Use this subtask to review the transaction currency exchange rate for the selected quote line if it exists in a non-functional currency.

After changing the settings in this subtask, select the Change Rates pushbutton to reset the Trans to Func field for the selected transaction currency. Costpoint will review the settings and provide the appropriate currency conversion rate. Please refer to the Summary section and the Trans Currency field for the Reference Quotes subtask above for additional information regarding the currency exchange rates for quote lines.

For those transactions that have identical currencies (transaction matches functional), this screen will default certain information based on that match. Unless you are entering a requisition for a currency other than your functional currency, you should NOT change the settings in this subtask. Be sure to review the multicurrency and vendor settings before issuing exchange rate information.

You may edit the settings in this subtask if you enter a new quote line. The fields in this subtask will be disabled for existing quote lines. You can access exchange rate information for existing quote lines in the Enter Quotes by Item and Enter Quotes by Vendor screens.


This field displays the requisition ID from the main screen.


This field displays the requisition's revision number from the main screen.


This field displays the requisition date from the Date field in the main screen.


This field displays the requisition's status from the Status field in the main screen. 

Transaction Currency

If you are entering a new quote, select the transaction currency for this quote line. This is the currency that will be used when referencing the quote, and that your vendor will use on the invoice. If the vendor's transaction currency is different from the system's functional currency, this field will display the vendor's default transaction currency that is assigned in the Multicurrency subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen. If no default has been selected for the vendor, the default transaction currency displays from the Multicurrency Settings screen in Costpoint Multicurrency. You can only edit this field when entering a new quote line; however, you must have linked the selected transaction currency to the selected Rate Group in the Maintain Exchange Rate Groups screen in Costpoint Multicurrency.

For existing quote lines, the value in this field defaults from the Enter Quotes by Item and Enter Quotes by Vendor screens.

Rate Group

Select the rate group description for this quote. This field will populate with the default Rate Group from the Multicurrency subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen. If you have not selected a default for the vendor, the default rate group is selected from the Multicurrency Settings screen in Costpoint Multicurrency. You must have linked the selected rate group to the selected transaction currency in the Maintain Exchange Rate Groups screen in Costpoint Multicurrency

Transaction Currency to Functional Currency Exchange Rate Info

Rate Date

When you first initialize this subtask, this field displays the system (today's) date. To obtain exchange rates for another date, enter the date in this field and select the Change Rates pushbutton.


This field mimics the Trans to Func rate when non-Euro currencies are used. When a Euro currency is used, this field will display the product of the Trans to Euro and Euro to Func fields. The fraction that is displayed to the right of the Trans to Euro field is the value of one divided by the Euro to transaction currency rate.

Freeze Rate

Select this checkbox to hold the last rate saved in these fields. You can enter other rates into Costpoint, but they will not be applied to this transaction (for gain or loss calculation) unless this checkbox is unchecked.

Trans to Func or Trans to Euro

For those transactions that involve countries that are EC members, this field will be titled Trans to Euro and will display the rate for the transaction to Euro currency. This field will appear as Trans to Func if non-EC currencies are being exchanged.

When this field is named Trans to Func and you select the Change Rates pushbutton, the transaction to functional exchange rate loads for the selected Transaction Currency, Rate Group, and Rate Date, but can be edited if the Allow users to override exchange rates checkbox has been selected in the Multicurrency Settings screen in Costpoint Multicurrency.

N/A or Euro to Func

For those transactions that involve countries that are EC members, this field will be titled Euro to Func and will display the rate for the Euro to functional currency. This field will display as N/A if non-EC currencies are being exchanged.

Change Rates

Select this pushbutton after you have entered new settings in this subtask. Costpoint will review them and provide the appropriate currency rates.