Use this subtask to assign established standard text codes to this RFQ line. The standard text will then be printed at the line level of this RFQ. Use the Auto-Load pushbutton to load the text codes that are assigned to the item ID and project ID in the RFQ line.

RFQ, Vendor, Item, Rev, Misc Type, Project

These non-editable fields default from the main screen.

Table Window


Enter the sequence number in the order you would like to have text printed on documents.

Text Source

Enter text source code to determine how the Lookup function will display for the text codes. Enter "I" for the Item's text codes, "P" for the Project's text codes, or leave blank for all text codes.

Text Code

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a text code to associate with this RFQ line.  You must have already established the text code in the Standard Text screen in Costpoint Product Definition. For a project, enter the standard text in the Assign Text screen in Costpoint Project Setup.  The text code must also have a Where-Used code of "Request For Quote" associated with it in order to be viewed here.


This field displays the description of the selected text code.

Doc Print Opt

This field displays the document print option assigned to the selected text codes. Valid options are:


Select this pushbutton to load the text codes assigned to the item and project IDs in the RFQ line.