Use this screen to set up auto-numbering for requests for quotes and/or vendor quotes.

Auto-Assign IDs

Use the options in this group box to auto-assign RFQs and vendor quotes.

Auto-Assign RFQs

Select this checkbox to automatically number RFQs. If you leave this checkbox blank, you must manually enter RFQ numbers before you can save an RFQ.


If you select the Auto-Assign RFQs checkbox, you must enter the last RFQ ID issued, up to 10 alphanumeric characters, before using Costpoint to generate new RFQs. The system will increase the number of the last RFQ ID by one. If you are not currently using a quote system, the starting RFQ ID can be zero. If you change a number manually in the Enter RFQ by Vendor or Enter RFQ by Item screens, the number you enter will not update this field.

To have RFQs printed in correct numeric order, you must select a ceiling number not to exceed 10 digits. For example, if the highest number desired is "9999999999," enter zero as "0000000000;" or if the highest number desired is "RFQ-9999," and the last RFQ number used was "RFQ-124," enter that number as "RFQ-0124."

The Last RFQ ID is always incremented from the right and only if the rightmost character is numeric (rather than alpha). For example: "RFQ594123" becomes "RFQ594124;" "RFQIDABCD9" becomes "RFQIDABCD0;" "9999999999" becomes "0000000000;" "RFQ999999A" is not incremented. You should enter sufficient numeric characters to the right to ensure that duplicates do not occur.

Auto-Assign Quotes

Select this checkbox to automatically assign vendor quote IDs. Leave this checkbox blank to manually enter quote IDs before you can save a quote.

Last Quote ID

If you selected the Auto-Assign Quotes checkbox, you must enter the last quote ID issued, up to 10 alphanumeric characters, before using Costpoint to generate new quotes. The system will increase the number of the last quote ID by one. If you are not currently using a quote system, the starting quote ID can be zero. If you change a number manually in the Enter Quotes by Item and/or Enter Quotes by Vendor screens, the number you enter will not update this field.

To have quote IDs printed in correct numeric order, you must select a ceiling number not to exceed 10 digits. For example, if the highest number desired is "9999999999," enter zero as "0000000000;" or if the highest number desired is "QT-9999," and the Last Quote ID used was "QT-124," enter that number as "QT-0124."

The Last Quote ID is always incremented from the right and only if the rightmost character is numeric (rather than alpha). For example: "QT594123" becomes "QT594124;" "QTIDABCD9" becomes "QTIDABCD0;" "9999999999" becomes "0000000000;" "QT9999999A" is not incremented. You should enter sufficient numeric characters to the right to ensure that duplicates do not occur.