Use this subtask to view header information for the selected quote. Information in this subtask will depend on which quote you highlight in the main screen.


This field displays the quote ID.


This field displays the quote type. Quote types, which can be entered in the Enter Quotes by Item or Enter Quotes by Vendor screens in Costpoint Procurement Planning, are user-defined.


This field displays the quote's status.


These fields display the vendor ID, name and location.

Vendor Contact

The fields in this group box display information about the vendor's contact.

Last Name

This field displays the contact's last name.

First Name

This field displays the contact's first name.


This field displays the contact's phone number.


This field displays the contact's fax number.


This field displays the vendor's terms for payment.


This field displays the vendor's Freight on Board method (e.g., Destination).

Ship Via

This field displays the vendor's method for shipping products to your location.


This field displays the buyer ID.

Entry Date/Time

This field displays the date and time this quote was entered.

Entry User

This field displays the user ID of the person who entered this quote.

RFQ Information

The fields in this group box display information on the request for quote, if any, that initiated this quote.


This field displays the proposal ID for which the request for quote was generated.


This field displays the requisition ID for which the request for quote was generated.

Procurement Type

This field displays the procurement type selected on the requisition for which the request for quote was generated.

Quote Reqd Date

This field displays the date the vendor's quote should be received as specified on the request for quote.

Valid Through Date

This field displays the date through which the vendor has deemed the quote to be valid.

Quotes Reqd No

This field displays the number of quotes, based on the procurement type selected, that the buyer should obtain before generating a purchase order from this requisition.


This group box displays any notes that were entered as part of the quote.