Use this subtask to view information on the receipts of purchase order lines. PO line receipts are entered in the Receive Purchase Orders screen in Costpoint Receiving and in the Match Receipts subtask of the Enter PO Vouchers screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable. This subtask is hidden when viewing subcontract POs.


This field displays the selected purchase order ID.


This field displays the release number if the order is a release of a blanket order.


This field displays the type of order. The system-defined types are "Purchase Order," "Blanket Order," and "Release Order."

Change Order

This field displays the change order number if the purchase order had a change order created in the Create PO Change Orders screen. The last change order number is displayed.


This field displays the line number of the purchase order.


This field displays the status type for the item.

Misc Type

This field displays the miscellaneous charge type for the item.


This field displays the purchase order unit of measure for the item.

Inv U/M

This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the item.


This field displays the item ID for this line of the order.


This field displays the revision and a description of the item.

Due Date

This field displays the due date for this item.

Original Due Date

This field displays the original due date for this item.

Desired Date

This field displays the desired due date for this item.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency for this item. The invoice for these materials will be in this transaction currency.

Table Window


This column displays the receiving warehouse ID.


This column displays the receipt ID.

Offsite Receiver

This column displays the offsite receiver entered on the receipt.

Packing Slip

This column displays the packing slip number on the receipt.


This column displays the date of the receipt.

Material Handler

This column displays the material handler ID.

Received Qty (PO U/M)

This column displays the received quantity in the purchase order unit of measure.

Accepted Qty (PO U/M)

This column displays the accepted quantity in the purchase order unit of measure.

MRB Quantity (PO U/M)

This column displays the MRB quantity in the purchase order unit of measure.

Rej-Pay Qty (PO U/M)

This column displays the rejected but pay quantity in the purchase order unit of measure.

Rej-Replace Qty (PO U/M)

This column displays the rejected and replaced quantity in the purchase order unit of measure.

Rej-Credit Qty (PO U/M)

This column displays the rejected and credit quantity in the purchase order unit of measure.

Receiving Location

This column displays the receiving location within the warehouse.

Acceptance Location

This column displays the acceptance location within the warehouse.

Rejection Location

This column displays the rejected location within the warehouse.

Rejection Reason

This column displays the rejection reason code.

Rejection Disposition

This column displays the rejection disposition status code if the line was rejected in receiving.

Received Amount

This column displays the received amount.

Accepted Amount

This column displays the accepted amount.

MRB Amount

This column displays the amount placed in MRB.

Rej-Pay Amount

This column displays the amount rejected but with pay disposition.

Rej-Replace Amount

This column displays the amount rejected with replace disposition.

Rej-Credit Amount

This column displays the amount rejected with credit disposition.

Received Qty (Inv U/M)

This column displays the received quantity in the inventory unit of measure.

Accepted Qty (Inv U/M)

This column displays the accepted quantity in the inventory unit of measure.

MRB Qty (Inv U/M)

This column displays the MRB quantity in the inventory unit of measure.

Rej-Pay Qty (Inv U/M)

This column displays the rejected quantity with pay disposition in the inventory unit of measure.

Rej-Replace Qty (Inv U/M)

This column displays the rejected quantity with replace disposition in the inventory unit of measure.

Rej-Credit Qty (Inv U/M)

This column displays the rejected quantity with credit disposition in the inventory unit of measure.


Select this pushbutton to view information on the inspection of purchase order receipt lines.  This pushbutton is enabled if a receipt line exists and the Status field is "System Closed" in the Purchase Order Lines subtask. Inspection information is entered in the Enter QC Inspections screen in Costpoint Receiving. 

Rcpt Notes

Select this pushbutton to view receipt notes information that is entered in the Notes group box in the Receive Purchase Orders screen.