Use this subtask to view information that appears in the heading of the purchase order.
This field displays the purchase order number.
This field displays the release order number of the purchase order.
This field displays the type of order, i.e., "Purchase Order," "Blanket Order," "Release Order," or "Subcontract PO."
This field displays the latest change order number of the purchase order.
This field displays the transaction currency for this purchase order. The invoice for these materials will be in this transaction currency.
The fields in this group box display additional information on the vendor. You maintain this information in the Maintain Vendors screen.
This field displays the vendor name.
These fields display the vendor's address.
This field displays the vendor's country.
These fields display the first and last name of the vendor contact.
This field displays the sales order number.
This field displays the vendor's telephone number.
This field displays the vendor's facsimile number.
This field displays the date of the change order.
This field displays the total blanket amount limit.
This field displays the unreleased amount for the blanket order.
This field displays the vendor terms for the purchase order.
This field displays the Free On Board (FOB) information indicating the point at which ownership of the purchase order items changes.
This field displays the date of the vendor acknowledgment.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the purchase order is a confirmation of a verbal order.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether this is a GSA order.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether this purchase order has been printed.
The fields in this group box display the vendor classification information.
This field displays "L" (Large), "S" (Small), "N" (Non-Profit), or "F" (Foreign/Other) to indicate the size and classification of the vendor.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the vendor is classified as a woman-owned business.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the vendor is classified as a disadvantaged or minority-owned business.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the vendor is classified as a HUB Zone vendor.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the vendor is classified as a historical black college or minority institution vendor.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the vendor is classified as a veteran-owned vendor.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the vendor is classified as a service disabled veteran-owned vendor.
This field displays the date on which the vendor classification certification was received.
This free-form text field displays the text notes associated with the purchase order header.
The fields in this group box display the starting and ending dates, if applicable, that are assigned to the PO in the Header Information subtask of the Enter POs screen.
This field displays the purchase order's period of performance start date.
This field displays the purchase order's period of performance end date.
Select this pushbutton to view information associated with the text codes attached to the purchase order header.