Use this subtask to select account and organization combinations that will be associated with this Buyer.
Use this subtask when the Buyers table is initialized or whenever the Account/Organization combinations associated with this Buyer need to be modified.
Use Subquery to load account/organization combinations from which you can choose those to be linked to this buyer.
These non-editable fields display the buyer and employee name from the main screen for this buyer.
The Acct/Org linkage works with the setting of the Buyer Proj/Acct/Org Validation Code established in the PO Settings screen. If you selected the "Implicit" code in the Buyer Proj/Acct/Org Validation Code drop-down box, the buyer does not need to be linked to any Acct/Org combinations that are to be charged on the purchase order. However, if any one buyer has been linked to an Acct/Org combination, then all other buyers charging that same Acct/Org must also be linked to the combination.
If the you selected the "Explicit" code in the Buyer Proj/Acct/Org Validation Code drop-down box, then the Acct/Org combinations must be linked to each buyer that wishes to charge the combination during purchase order entry.
This group box contains two table windows. The table window on the left of the screen includes all Account/Organization combinations in the system. The table window on the right of the screen will include all Account/Organization combinations that have been "selected" and linked to this Buyer.
These fields are display-only and cannot be maintained in this screen. They include all Account/Organization combinations in the system. Their respective account name and organization name is also displayed, along with a "Y" or "N" flag to indicate whether the combination is currently active in the system.
Once an Account/Organization row has been highlighted in the left table window, use the Select pushbutton to have that combination appear in the table window on the right. This Account/Organization combination has now been linked to this Buyer. After you have linked an Account/Organization combination to (or associated with) specified buyers, only those buyers will be permitted to charge the combination during purchase order entry.
In order to remove "linked" combinations that appear in the table window on the right of the screen, highlight the desired rows and use the Deselect pushbutton. This process does not remove the Acct/Org combination from the system, but does remove the combination from the buyer's use.
Identify a default Acct/Org combination for this Buyer. You can identify only one Account/Organization combination as the default. The default will be used in the future by Costpoint Procurement Planning.