Use this screen to identify the PO (purchase order) commitment amounts that must be accrued. You can also establish the account and organization charge codes for the accrual liability.

Accrual liability is an expense created as a result of a commitment (such as a purchase, payroll, taxes, etc.) that is to be paid.

Purchasing accruals are a means of having PO commitment amounts post to the G/L (general ledger) before you post the PO voucher in the Post Vouchers screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable.

You must calculate PO commitments in the Compute and Print Commitments screen in Costpoint Purchasing before creating accruals in the Create Purchase Order Accruals screen.

Complete this screen when you decide to use PO (purchase order) accruals, but after you have calculated PO commitments in the Compute and Print Commitments screen in Costpoint Purchasing.

Maintain this screen whenever you need to change the control parameters for creating accrual liability.

Use this screen before creating PO accruals in the Create Purchase Order Accruals screen.

Select PO Commitment Amounts to Accrue

Use this block to determine which PO (purchase order) commitment amounts to accrue. At least one of the following checkboxes must be selected (or more, depending on the type of amount selected) in order to save the settings on this screen.

Open PO Amounts

Select this checkbox to accrue for "Open" PO (purchase order) commitment amounts. The Received Amounts, Accepted/Rejected-Pay Amounts, and Vouchered, not Posted checkboxes will automatically be selected.

If this checkbox is left blank, Open PO commitment amounts will not be accrued.

Note: If you select this checkbox, then you must also select the Received Amounts, Accepted/Rejected Pay Amounts, and Voucher, not Posted Amounts checkboxes. The system will not allow you to save the settings on this screen without selecting these additional checkboxes.

Open purchase order commitment amounts are Order Amounts minus the greater of Received Amounts or Vouchered Amounts plus Rejected-Replace Amounts.

Received Amounts

Select this checkbox to accrue for "Received" PO (purchase order) commitment amounts. The Accepted/Rejected-Pay Amounts and Vouchered, not Posted checkboxes will automatically be selected.

If this checkbox is left blank, Received PO commitment amounts will not be accrued.

Note: If you select this checkbox, then you must also select the Accepted/Rejected-Pay Amounts checkbox. The system will not allow you to save the settings on this screen without selecting this additional checkbox.

The Vouchered, not Posted checkbox can be left blank if desired.

Received PO commitment amounts are received amounts that have not been dispositioned (accepted or rejected) or have not been vouchered.

Accepted/Rejected-Pay Amounts

Select this checkbox to accrue for "Accepted" PO (purchase order) commitment amounts. The Vouchered, not Posted checkbox will automatically be selected.

If this checkbox is left blank, Accepted PO commitment amounts will not be accrued.

Note: The Vouchered, not Posted checkbox can be left blank if desired.

Accepted PO commitment amounts are Accepted Amounts plus Rejected-Pay Amounts that have not been vouchered.

Vouchered, not Posted Amounts

Select this checkbox to accrue for "Vouchered" PO (purchase order) commitment amounts.

If this checkbox is left blank, Vouchered PO commitment amounts will not be accrued.

Vouchered PO commitment amounts are Invoice Amounts that have not been posted by Voucher Distribution.

Accrual Liability

Use this group box to enter the charge code account and organization to which the accrual liability will be accrued.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the account to credit when the accrual liability is posted.   

Once you select an account, the account name will also display in the unnamed field below and cannot be changed in this screen. This field is required.

You establish accounts and their associated names in the Maintain Accounts screen.

Use PO/Voucher Organizations

Select this checkbox to have the accrual liability posted to the organization associated with each PO (purchase order) line or PO voucher line.

If this checkbox is left blank, the accrual liability will be posted to the organization entered in this screen.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the organization ID to credit when the accrual liability is posted. Once you select the organization, the organization abbreviation and organization name will be displayed and cannot be changed in this screen. This field is required.

You establish organization information in the Maintain Org Elements screen. You can link organizations to accounts in the Link Orgs subtask of the Accounts screen or in the Mass Link Account/Orgs screen.

Subcontract Retention Payable Liability

Use this group box to assign a desired liability account and organization that will be used to store the amounts withheld from subcontract payments as retention for completed work and stored materials. 


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a liability account that will be used to store the amounts withheld from subcontract payments as retention for completed work and stored materials.

Once you select an account, the account description displays in the field to the right and cannot be changed in this screen.

You establish accounts and their associated names in the Maintain Accounts screen.

Use PO Org for Retention

Select this checkbox to use the PO (purchase order) organization for retention rather than entering an organization in the Org field below. Selecting this checkbox disables the Org fields.


If the Use PO Org for Retention checkbox is not selected, enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid liability organization ID that will be used to store the amounts withheld from subcontract payments as retention for completed work and stored materials. You can also enter the organization abbreviation in the middle field, and the associated organization description will display in the field to the right. 

You establish organization information in the Maintain Org Elements screen. You can link organizations to accounts in the Link Orgs subtask of the Accounts screen or in the Mass Link Account/Orgs screen.

Table Information

Changes in this screen update the GL_CONFIG (General Ledger Configuration) table.