Use this screen to print the Project Summary/Detail reports, also known as Project Status Reports (PSRs), which are some of the most critical reports in Costpoint. These reports provide summary level information about project costs, fee, and revenue. You should print Project Status Reports each period for review by project managers.
Rates for hours-based cost pools print in the functional currency of the company that owns the project, and cost-based pool rates print as percentages.
This application prints the report from the PSR Final Data table. This table is updated by the Update Project Status Report Table process. You must update the PSR Final Data table before running PSR reports. Rows are updated in the PSR Final Data table according to pre-selected criteria. For example, assume the report table contains amounts from January 1, 1999 through May 31, 2002. If you update the report tables with information from FY 2002, subperiod 1 through 4 of period 5 (May 1-31, 2002), the utility will update only rows containing amounts for this timeframe. If you want to run reports including June 2002 data period 6, run this utility to update the table with that information. For more information on the PSR Final Data table, please refer to the documentation on the Update Project Status Report Table screen.
Use this group box to limit the project reports that will be printed. You can also define the level of the project, org, and account in this group box.
Use the drop-down list to select how the report is printed. Valid options are:
Owning Organization
Performing Organization
WIP Project
Alternate Project
WIP Alternate Project
WIP Owning Organization
WIP Performing Organization
If you select Project, the application will print a separate report for each project or each branch of the project tree, depending on the Project Level/Alt Project Level selection.
If you select Owning Organization, the system will print a separate report for each organization or each branch of the organization tree, depending on the Organization Level selection, for all organizations that have been specified as an owning organization in the Basic Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master). Note that all organizations, regardless of the performing organization, will be summarized into the report by Owning Organization.
If you select Performing Organization, the application will print a separate report for each organization or each branch of the organization tree, depending on the Organization Level selection, for all organizations that have incurred costs in the performance of the project. Note that all organizations, regardless of the owning organization, will be summarized into the report by Performing Organization.
If you select WIP Project, the application will print a report that displays both the balance sheet (capitalized costs) and income statement sections of the project. Note that you should select this grouping only if the Project Classification has been designated as Work In Process in the Basic Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master).
If you select Alternate Project, the application will print a separate report for each alternate project or each branch of the alternate project tree, depending on the Project Level/Alt Project Level selection.
If you select WIP Alternate Project, the system will print the report described for the WIP Project selection using the Alternate Project feature.
If you select Reorganization, the system will print a separate report for a combined organization that may be linked with another organization, per the settings in the screens in the Reorganizations menu in Costpoint General Ledger.
If you select WIP Owning Organization, the application will print a report that displays both the balance sheet (capitalized costs) and income statement sections of the project. Note that you should select this grouping only if the Project Classification has been designated as Work In Process in the Basic Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master). One report will print for each owning organization.
If you select WIP Performing Organization, the application will print a report that displays both the balance sheet (capitalized costs) and income statement sections of the project. Note that you should select this grouping only if the Project Classification has been designated as Work In Process in the Basic Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master). One report will print for each performing organization.
Use the drop-down list to select the range of projects or organizations to print. This range should be consistent with the projects you have updated in the PSR table. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
Enter, or use to select, the starting project or organization
for the range of projects or organizations to be printed. This field is
enabled if you selected One, Range, or To
End in the Range
Option field.
Enter, or use to select, the ending project or organization
for the range of projects or organizations to be printed. This field is
enabled if you selected Range
or From Beginning in the Range Option field.
Use this field to select a noncontiguous range of projects that will print on the report. This field, the List Mode check box, and the Apply and Remove buttons are enabled only when you have selected Project (the default selection) or WIP Project in the Select By field.
When you select the List
Mode check box, the
Range Option
defaults to One, and the From field is enabled.
In the From field,
enter, or use to select, one of the projects for which
you want to print this report, and then click the Apply
button. The project will display in the Noncontiguous
Range field. You can also select Range
in the Range Option
field to indicate a range of projects in the From
and To
fields, and then click the Apply
Select this check box to enable a noncontiguous range of projects to be printed, as described in the documentation for the Noncontiguous Range field. This check box is enabled only when you select Project or WIP Project in the Select By field. When you select this check box, the Apply and Remove buttons are enabled, as well as the From field; the Range Option defaults to One.
After you have selected the List Mode check box and entered a To/From project, click the Apply button to include the project, or range of projects, to be printed in the noncontiguous range. To remove a project or range of projects, highlight the selection and choose the Remove button.
Select this button to remove a project or a range of projects that you previously selected. Highlight the selection and click the Remove button.
Select this check box if you want a secondary sort on the report by performing organization. This check box is available only if you selected Project for your Select By grouping.
Use the fields in this group box to select various levels of reporting.
Identify the highest project level to print on the report. Balances will be rolled up to this project level.
Identify the highest account level to print on the report. Balances will be rolled up to this account level.
Identify the highest organization level to print on the report. Balances will be rolled up to this org level.
Use the fields in this group box to select the period ending date for data to be included on the report.
Select the fiscal year you want included on the report.
Select the fiscal period you want included on the report. This period is considered the "Current Period" for column option purposes.
Select the subperiod you want included on the report. This subperiod is considered the "Current Subperiod" for column option purposes.
Use this feature to sort the selected reports by Project. If you do not want to use this feature, the reports will print in numerical order and will not be sorted. Note that this feature is available only if select Project or WIP Project in the Select By field in the Selection group box.
The fields in this group box are enabled only when you select Project (the default selection) or WIP Project in the Select By field in the Selection group box.
Use the drop-down list to select the range of project managers for the
selected project or range of projects to print. If you enter a project
range in the From
and/or To
fields in the Selection group
box, the project manager(s) assigned to these project(s) will be listed
when you use in the enabled From
and/or To
fields in this group box. This range should be consistent with the
projects you have updated in the PSR table. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
Enter, or use to select, the starting project manager
for the range of projects to be printed. This field is enabled if you
selected All, One,
Range, or To
End in the Range
Enter, or use to select, the ending project manager
for the range of projects to be printed. This field is enabled if you
selected All, Range,
or From Beginning in the Range field.
Select the report columns to show on the report by selecting an option from the drop-down list for each column you want to print. Valid options are:
Current Period - Actual, Budget, and Variance
Current Subperiod - Actual, Budget, and Variance
Year to Date - Actual, Budget, and Variance
Prior Year - Actual, Budget, and Variance
Contract To Date - Actual, Budget, and Variance
Total Contract Budget
Pending and Approved PR Amounts
Pending, Open, Received, Accepted, and Vouchered PO Amounts
Unreleased Blanket Amounts
Travel and Total PO Commitments
Total Contract Variance
Use the options in this group box to select various reporting options.
Select this check box to include projects that have been set inactive in the Maintain Project Master screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master) or in the Basic Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master).
Select this check box to print lines on the PSR even if they have no activity. Leave the check box blank to suppress lines with no activity.
Select this check box to print amounts rounded to the nearest thousand.
Select this check box to include revenue information on the report. If you do not select the check box, only cost information will be printed.
Select this check box to print labor hours and units information in the footer of the report. This option is available only if you selected Project or WIP Project in the Selection group box.
Select this check box to display pool burden rates on the report. Leave the check box blank to suppress the printing of burden rates. Rates for hours-based cost pools print in the functional currency of the company that owns the project, and cost-based pool rates display as percentages.
Select this check box to sort and print pools by sequence number, then by pool number.
Select this check box to suppress the report if there is no activity in the current period. If you select this check box, no information prints on the report if the following conditions are met:
In the Include group box, you selected Current Period Actual, Current Period Budget, or Current Period Variance as one of the columns to show on the report, and
The amounts for each row in the column are zero.
If you select this check box and these criteria are met, the report is suppressed, but the parameters page and the report page still print.
Use the options in this group box to select the rate type that you would like to use on the report.
Select this option to burden costs with actual expenses. These amounts are stored in the PSR Final Data table.
Select this option to burden costs with target rates. These amounts are stored in the PSR Final Data table.
Select this option to print the PSR with actual expenses and target rates.
Use this group box to select the method you would like to use to calculate the profit percentage.
Select this option to print the profit as a percentage of costs.
Select this option to print the profit as a percentage of revenue.
You can save the report parameters for future use. To save the selected report parameters, click the Save icon on the toolbar after you have entered your report selections. Enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters for identification and a description of the report. Click the OK button to save. Stored report parameters are especially useful if reports are to be run through the Batch Manager. When creating the batch job to be executed, the system uses the report stored through the report parameters to identify report criteria.