If you believe that Labor History is incorrect because of a process failure or user edits, you can use this utility to rebuild it using source records from Timesheet History, Journal Entries, Vouchers, and Inter-Company Work Orders (IWOs). The utility first checks to ensure that the General Ledger and source tables are reconciled. (Since there are no history tables for IWOs, the system will build LAB_HS (Maintain Labor Summary) for this process from the General Ledger, and it therefore will not be included in the reconciliation report.) You must print the reconciliation report before you can print the exception reports and rebuild Labor History. The exception report prints before the Rebuild Labor History process is executed so that you can see the differences that will overwrite Labor History.
Since LAB_HS is the source table for labor revenue on T&M contracts and billable value on labor, any changes made to LAB_HS (Maintain Labor Summary) will affect revenue, billing, and goal calculations. Because of this, this utility will allow you to be very specific when you select rows to be fixed.
You must run the Load Labor Rates screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Revenue Processing or Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings) for any subperiod for which the toolkit is executed and rows are changed. In addition, any rows that are rebuilt will no longer have allowable hours existing in LAB_HS (Maintain Labor Summary). Consequently, if revenue is not computed in the periods that were changed or subsequent periods (after rates are loaded for all changed periods), the revenue worksheet will no longer agree with the revenue on the Project Status Report (PSR).
When selecting Projects/Accounts/Orgs, the utility will consider all projects/accounts/orgs selected at that level and below. Since projects can be NULL in LAB_HS (Maintain Labor Summary), the application will consider all account/orgs selected and projects within that range, if any exist. If the Select Projects Range Option is All and there are records within the Account/Org range that do not have projects, those records will be included in the comparison along with records that do include projects. If you select any Range Option other than All, the system will not consider records within the account/org selection where there are no projects.
Since this utility rebuilds Labor History using source tables that include Journal Entry History, Voucher History, and Timesheet History, you can rebuild history only for subperiods in which the source tables exist. You must print the Reconciliation of GL to Source Tables report before you can print the exception report and rebuild Labor History.
There are no source tables for IWOs from which to rebuild labor history. Therefore, the IWO transactions in labor history will be rebuilt from the General Ledger. Because of this, the IWOs will not be considered in the Reconciliation of GL to Source Tables report.
You may need to run the Load Labor Rates process for any subperiod for which the toolkit is executed and rows are changed.
Use the drop-down list to select the range of subperiods for which you want to rebuild labor history. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
Use the drop-down list to select the starting fiscal year.
Use the drop-down list to select the starting period.
Use the drop-down list to select the starting subperiod.
Use the drop-down list to select the ending subperiod.
You must first select the Reconcile GL to Source Tables option and print the reconciliation reports. If differences are found, the Rebuild Labor History option will still be available. You can select it and print the exception report and rebuild labor history.
Select this option to reconcile the GL to the source tables. Use the Print icon on the toolbar to print the reports.
Two groups of reconciliations can be performed from the source tables to the GL for the selected fiscal year/period/subperiod/projects/accounts/orgs:
If you select Employees or Both in the Include group box, Costpoint will compare the Timesheet History and Journal Entries that include rows in JE_TRN_LAB_EMPL_HS to the GL. Temp tables will be built to hold summary amounts from the GL and also from Timesheet History and Journal Entries.
Two reconciliation reports will be printed. The first is a comparison of the Timesheet History (LD) to Labor Distribution postings to the GL (GLD). The report will be titled Timesheet History to GL Reconciliation. The second report is the Journal Entry History to GL Reconciliation Report. This is a comparison of the Journal Entry History (AJE) to Journal Entry postings to the GL (GJE). This report will be titled Journal Entry History to GL Reconciliation.
If you select Vendors/Vendor Employees or Both in the Include group box, the system will perform a reconciliation of the Voucher History, including only vouchers amounts where data exists in VCHR_LAB_VEND_HS and Journal Entries that include rows in JE_TRN_LAB_VEND _HS. These amounts will be compared to the GL.
Two reports will be printed. The first is a comparison of the Voucher History (APV) to Voucher postings to the GL (GPV). The report will be entitled Voucher History to GL Reconciliation. The second report to print is the Journal History to GL Reconciliation Report. This is a comparison of the Journal Entry History (AJE) to Journal Entry postings to the GL (GJE). This report will be entitled Journal Entry History to GL Reconciliation.
This option will be available only if:
Rows exist in Z_PJPUPLAB_GL_ERR.
Rows exist in GL_POST_SUM with a S_JNL_CD = IWO and there are no rows within the selected project/account/org range where S_JNL_CD is %JE, RRV, or REV.
Click this option to rebuild labor history.
If you selected Employees or Both in the Include group box, data will be pulled from TS_HDR_HS/TS_LN_HS and JE_HDR_HS/JE_TRN_HS/JE_TRN_LAB_EMPL_HS tables and inserted into a temp table. This data will be summed and compared to LAB_HS to generate a report with the differences. In addition, if there are rows in GL_POST_SUM with the S_JNL_CD = IWO for the selected project/account/org, the system will compare GL_POST_SUM/GL_DETL to LAB_HS and insert rows in to the temp table.
If you selected Vendor/Vendor Employees or Both in the Include group box, data will be pulled from JE_HDR_HS/JE_TRN_HS/JE_TRN_LAB_VEND_HS tables and VCHR_HDR_HS/ VCHR_LN_HS/VCHR_LAB_VEND_HS/VCHR_LN_ACCT_HS tables and inserted into a temp table. This data will be summed and compared to LAB_HS to generate a report with the differences. In addition, if there are rows in GL_POST_SUM with the S_JNL_CD = IWO for the selected project/account/org, the system will compare GL_POST_SUM/GL_DETL to LAB_HS and insert rows in to the temp table.
Use this drop-down list to select whether to include employees or vendor/vendor employees in the processing. Valid options are:
Vendor/Vendor Employees
Use this group box to select the projects you want to include in this process.
Use the drop-down list to select the range of projects to include. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
Enter, or use to select, the starting project to include.
If you select All or From
Beginning in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending project to include.
If you select All, One,
or To End in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Use this group box to select the accounts you want to include in this process.
Use the drop-down list to select the range of accounts to include. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
Enter, or use to select, the starting account to include.
If you select All or From
Beginning in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending account to include.
If you select All, One,
or To End in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Use this group box to select the organizations you want to include in this process.
Use the drop-down list to select the range of organizations to include. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
Enter, or use to select, the starting organization
to include. If you select All
or From Beginning in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending organization to
include. If you select All, One, or To
End in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Click this icon on the toolbar to print the exception report and rebuild labor history. After the exception report prints, the system will display a message asking whether you want to continue. If you click the Yes button, the Rebuild Labor History icon on the toolbar will be enabled. Click it to rebuild labor history.
After printing the exception report, click this icon on the toolbar to rebuild labor history.
This process overwrites data in the LAB_HS (Labor History) table.