Use this toolkit to update the units columns of the prior years project ledger. It updates the Units Quantity and Allowable Units Quantity columns of the Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project History) (UNITS_QTY and AL_UNITS_QTY, respectively, of PSR_PY_SUM) with data from the SUB_UNITS_QTY and SUB_AL_UNITS_QTY columns, respectively, in PROJ_SUM. Beginning with Costpoint version 2.0A, this update will occur as part of the Update Prior Year History process (Projects » Project Setup » Project History). To populate these units columns for years already residing in the Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen, you must run this toolkit. The toolkit will update for all years before and including the year selected. You can update all or selected projects.

Update for all years prior to and including

Enter the ending fiscal year that is to be the final year updated. The toolkit updates all fiscal years up to and including that fiscal year.


Enter, or use the Lookup button to select, the project name. This field is not available unless you select the One option in the Project Range group box. To update all projects, leave this field empty and select the All option in the Project Range group box.

Project Range

Use this group box to select all projects or one project.


Select this option to update all projects.


Select this option to update one project.


Click this button to run a search on valid projects. This button is available only if you selected the One option.


Click this button to start the toolkit.


Click this button to exit this screen without running this toolkit.