Use this screen to summarize the project ledger tables (PROJ_SUM and PROJ_BURD_SUM) into a specified subperiod. The process will delete rows that have been summarized from these tables. This will free disk space and reduce the size of your database.

This summarization process is done on a year-to-date basis for all periods and subperiods up to and including the subperiod selected. In PROJ_SUM, the application will insert a row for each unique project/organization/account combination into the fiscal year, period, and subperiod selected. In PROJ_BURD_SUM, a row for each unique project/organization/account/pool combination will be inserted. The system will then delete the rows that have been summarized.

Note that you will not be able to update the project report tables for the periods deleted since these processes reference PROJ_SUM and PROJ_BURD_SUM to obtain information.

We do not recommend using this utility in an active fiscal year. If you choose to do so, please be aware of the following:

Screen Location

Select Ending Subperiod

Use this group box to select the subperiod in which the summarized rows will reside. All periods and subperiods for the fiscal year, up to and including the subperiod selected, will be summarized. Note that all of these periods must be in a Closed status.

Fiscal Year

Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the fiscal year that you want to summarize.


Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the ending period that you want to summarize.


Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the ending subperiod that you want to summarize. The effective subperiod date will display in the field to the right of the subperiod.

Select Project

Use this group box to select the project or range of projects you would like to summarize.

Range Option

Use this drop-down list to select the range of projects you want to summarize. Valid options are:


Enter, or use to select, the starting project that you want to summarize. If you select All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.


Enter, or use to select, the ending project that you want to summarize. If you select All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.

Summarize Project Ledger

Click to start the toolkit.