Costpoint 6 now has four new tables to improve the processing performance of the Compute Revenue (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Revenue Processing) and Calculate Billings (Projects » Billing » Calculate Billings) applications. You must execute this utility when upgrading from Costpoint 5.x to version 6 to add existing project data to the new tables. If you already run version 6, you must run this utility when you receive the service pack that adds the new performance tables. If you upload data using scripts, you also need to run this utility. If you frequently use scripts to upload data, you may need to run this utility at month end, before calculating revenue or standard bills, to ensure that the performance tables are in synch. You can schedule this utility on the process server. To execute this application, click .
The new tables are:
Project Hierarchy (PROJ_HIERARCHY) - This table stores the child project number and the parent project number. This table derives from the PROJ table. Having this data in one table benefits processing applications (such as Compute Revenue during the aggregate ceiling calculation) and, potentially, posting applications.
Source Project Mapping (PROJ_SRCE_PROJ) - This table stores each project number and the associated source project number. The source project number is used for PLC defaulting and validations. This table initially derives from the PROJ table. If data also exists in the TM_RT_ORDER table, the PROJ_SRCE_PROJ table is re-evaluated and the appropriate source project number is updated based upon the T&M Rate Sequence Search for PLC Source Project setting in the Project Settings screen and the TM_RT_ORDER table (Define Rate Sequence screen).
Invoice Level Mapping (PROJ_INVC_PROJ) - This table stores the billing level project number and all child project numbers. This table derives from the PROJ_BILL_INFO table, which provides the invoice project number, and the PROJ table, which provides the child project numbers.
Revenue Level Mapping (PROJ_REV_PROJ) - This table stores the revenue level project number and all child project numbers. This table derives from the PROJ_REV_SETUP table, which provides the revenue project number, and the PROJ table, which provides the child project numbers.
This utility uses data from the following tables:
This utility inserts data into the following tables: