Use this screen to create a burden template that will be used to bring existing cost pools from Projects into Advanced Project Budgeting. Use it when initializing Costpoint Advanced Project Budgeting or any time before you revise your workplan budget. Be sure to run the Build Budget Composite Rates screen (Projects » Advanced Project Budgeting » Controls) after you have imported the pool templates.
Enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters to identify this burden template.
Enter up to 26 alphanumeric characters to describe this burden template.
Use this group box to select the allocation group, fiscal year, and period that you wish to use to set up your burden template. You can find this information in the Cost Pools screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Cost Pool Setup).
Using the drop-down list, select the allocation group for this template. Available allocation groups are those that exist in Costpoint Advanced Project Budgeting.
Select the source fiscal year for the cost pool.
Select the source fiscal period for the cost pool.
Use this group box to select the type of rates that you would like to use in your templates. You can find the rates in the Pool Rates subtask of the Cost Pools screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Cost Pool Setup).
Select this option to copy none of the selected pools or allocation groups into the burden template. Select this option if you plan to use a predetermined budgeted rate.
Select this option to copy only the provisional pool rates into the burden template for the pool selected.
Select this option to copy only the actual pool rates for the fiscal year and period chosen.
Select this option to copy only the target pool rates for the fiscal year and period chosen.
Use this group box to select the fiscal years to which you would like to copy the information.
Use this drop-down list to select the range of fiscal years that will receive the cost pool. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
Use this drop-down list to select first fiscal year that will receive the cost pool.
Use this drop-down list to select last fiscal year that will receive the cost pool.
Use this group box to select the pools you would like to use for your burden template.
Use this drop-down list to select the range of pools that will be copied into the selected fiscal years. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
Use this drop-down list to select first pool that will be copied into the selected fiscal years.
Use this drop-down list to select last pool that will be copied into the selected fiscal years.
Click this icon on the toolbar to begin the import process.