Use this screen to update the ETC incurred hours and amounts with ITD costs from the project ledgers. Direct cost amounts come from the Project Summary table (PROJ_SUM) for the current year and Project Status Report Prior Year Summary table (PSR_PY_SUM) for prior years. Indirect cost amounts come from the Project Burden Summary table (PROJ_BURD_SUM) for the current year and the Project Status Report Prior Year Burden Summary table (PSR_PY_BURD_SUM) for prior years. Hours are summarized by PLC or GLC from the Labor History table (LAB_HS) for the current year and the Prior Year Project Labor History (PY_PROJ_LAB_HS) for the prior years.
Run this utility after posting journals, calculating rates, and computing burden.
Use the fields in this group box to limit the project for which this update will be performed.
Select the appropriate range option for the projects you want to update. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
Enter, or use to select, the starting value for the
range you want to include. If you select All
or From Beginning in the Range Option field,
this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending value for the range
you want to include. If you select All,
One, or To
End in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Select the ending subperiod of the update. Costs will be summed ITD up to and including the ending subperiod selected.
Select the fiscal year for the ending subperiod to be included in the update.
Select the period for the ending subperiod to be included in the update.
Select the ending subperiod to be included in the update. The subperiod ending date will display.
Use the options in this group box to select various options for the update.
Select this check box to update ETC amounts with incurred costs. If you select this check box, you can update at either target or actual rates; select the appropriate option.
Select this option to update incurred costs for ETC with actual rates for this budget.
Select this option to update incurred costs for ETC with target rates for this budget.
Select this check box to update ETC hours with incurred hours. If you select this check box, you can update by PLC or GLC; select the appropriate option.
Select this option to update incurred costs for ETC using PLC hours for this budget.
Select this option to update incurred costs for ETC using GLC hours for this budget.
Use this group box to enter the revision date. This date will assist you when you are assessing the age of the data in the Maintain Estimate-to-Complete Amounts screen (Projects » Budgeting and ETC » Estimate to Complete).
The system date will default into this field and can be changed. The date entered (the incurred date) will be used in the ETC tables that show updated incurred costs and hours and will appear in the Incurred field in any screens where the Date Updated group box is displayed.
Click this icon on the toolbar to start the update process.