Use this screen to control certain system-wide project features. You can maintain calculations, burdening, and validation features in this screen, and determine the length of the first segment for the project. Note that this screen is company-wide and, once saved, should not be changed.
Features that can be included or excluded are: required validation for organizations that charge a project, required production of an Incurred Cost Submission package, and application of General and Administrative (G&A) Cost of Money to Overhead (O/H) Cost of Money.
This screen should be completed when Costpoint is first initialized, and should not be changed unless certain setting changes are required. The one setting that cannot be changed is the length of the first project level.
Use this table to designate the length of the first segment (level) of the project for all of your Costpoint projects. The projects are user-defined and can have multiple levels totaling no more than 30 alphanumeric characters (this limit includes the decimal point(s) used to separate each level). The first-segment length will be validated for entry of all projects and will determine subsequent levels available for the project. You can set up additional levels on a project-by-project basis or on a company-wide basis. Company-wide levels will, of course, hold a higher preference than levels set up by individual projects.
You can also designate additional, company-wide, project segment lengths in this table window. These additional segments represent the lower levels (second, third, etc.) of the projects. The selections made in this screen will default to the Project Levels Setup subtask of both the Maintain Project Master and the Basic Info screen. In the Basic Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master), you can override any segment length, except the first segment.
Use the fields in this group box to enter a home location if you are licensed for Costpoint Inter-Company Work Orders or the Costpoint Consolidations modules. You can also initialize the last IWO number in the Last IWO Number field if you are licensed for the Costpoint Inter-Company Work Orders module.
Enter, or use to select, a valid home location for
use in Consolidations or IWOs. The locations available for
are those that were saved in the Maintain Transfer Locations
screen (Projects » Inter-Company Work
Orders » Controls or Accounting
» Consolidations » Controls). The status of the location entered
in this field must be "Active."
The Consolidation Preprocessor screen (Accounting » Consolidations), Create Consolidation Entry screen (Accounting » Consolidations), IWO Allocation Preprocessor screen (Projects » Inter-Company Work Orders), Export IWO Allocations screen (Projects » Inter-Company Work Orders), and Import IWO Allocations screen (Projects » Inter-Company Work Orders) use the data in this field to identify the location that is sending or receiving the transfer.
Enter the beginning number for your IWOs. You can enter a combination of alphabetic characters and numbers, but the system will increment only the rightmost numeric value.
Use this drop-down list to select the pool type that should be subtracted from Total WIP Costs on the WIP Project Status reports.
This field is relevant only if you apply G&A to WIP projects and elect to treat G&A as a period cost. This field is available only if you have selected the Apply G&A to WIP and the Capitalize G&A Applied to WIP check boxes.
This option is for reporting purposes only. The application of G&A to a WIP project is determined by the pool structure set up in the Cost Pools screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Cost Pool Setup). The presentation of G&A costs on the financial statements is controlled by the debit allocation account in the base of the G&A pool.
Using the drop-down list, select the G&A pool type. This field is available only if the Apply G&A to WIP check box is selected and the Capitalize G&A Applied to WIP check box is blank. If you are applying G&A to WIP and do NOT want to capitalize this G&A, it will be subtracted from total WIP costs, along with the WIP transfer, to arrive at net inventory balance. The purpose of this field is to designate which pool type is to be subtracted from total WIP costs. Any cost pool allocation with this pool type, which is applicable to this WIP project, will be subtracted from total WIP costs on the balance sheet.
This check box defaults to empty, which assumes that you have no government contracts, and that an Incurred Cost Submission Report is not required. In this case, the ICS Codes in the Government Contract Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master) are not necessary for any project. If you select this check box, an ICS Code will be required for every project, regardless of type. These codes represent the categories specified on the Incurred Cost Submission Reports. Some examples of incurred cost submission codes include: Comm (Commercial), Cost, Flex (Flexible), IR&D (Internal Research and Development), TM/F (Time and Materials/Fixed), and B&P (Bid and Proposal). This field is for use by companies that contract with the federal government.
Select this check box to calculate and report the billable value of your projects. If you select this check box, the Labor and Non-Labor fields in the Goal Multiplier group box in the Basic Revenue Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Revenue Setup) will be required for all projects. (These goal multipliers are used by the Compute Billing Value of Cost Incurred (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Revenue Processing).) Billable value reporting is available for any project type and any revenue formula. This check box defaults to empty, which assumes that billable value will not be calculated.
Billable value calculations include allowable costs and allowable hours.
Billable value calculations apply goal multipliers (entered in the Basic Revenue Info screen) and override multipliers to labor and non-labor amounts. No multipliers are applied to units.
Labor multipliers are applied only to labor history lines with rate types of actual or ceiling, never billing.
Billable value is always calculated on a Year-to-Date (YTD) basis.
Prior year billable value amounts are stored in the Prior Year Billable Value Amounts (PY_GOAL) screen. If you are using the billable value calculation on projects that have prior year incurred costs, you must initialize the Prior Year Billable Value Amounts screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project History). The calculated billable value will be inaccurate without this data.
No fees or burdens are included in the calculation; only direct costs and units are included.
Non-labor and unit detail is stored at the account level.
You should evaluate the status of this check box only if you have set up your pool structure to apply G&A to WIP projects. The only function of this check box is to enable the Capitalize G&A Applied to WIP check box and the WIP G&A Pool Type drop-down list. The status of this check box (or any other option in this screen) will have no affect on cost allocation. Whether G&A costs are applied to WIP costs is solely dependent on the pool structure that you have created in the Cost Pools screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Cost Pool Setup). All check boxes related to G&A on WIP projects in this screen will only affect reporting on the WIP Project Status Report.
Select this check box if WIP accounts exist in the base of your G&A pool and you want to have options for reporting G&A costs on the Project Status Report. Select the Capitalize G&A Applied to WIP check box to show applied G&A as a period cost that is part of the Net Inventory Balance on the WIP Project Status Report. Use the WIP G&A Pool Type drop-down list to select the pool types that are affected by these options.
If you leave this check box empty, the system will apply no G&A to WIP costs.
Use this check box to select reporting options for the WIP Project Status Report. If you leave this check box empty, the WIP Project Status Report will display G&A as a period cost that is subtracted from Total WIP costs, along with WIP Transfer, to arrive at Net Inventory Balance. If you select this check box, you must identify the G&A pool type in the WIP G&A Pool Type drop-down list. If you select this check box, the G&A will display as part of Net Inventory Balance on the WIP Project Status Report and will not be subtracted from Total WIP Costs to arrive at Net Inventory Balance. If this check box is empty, the WIP G&A Pool Type drop-down list will be unavailable.
The status of this check box affects only reporting on the WIP Project Status Report. The debit allocation accounts assigned to the WIP accounts in the G&A base will determine where the G&A allocation displays on the financial statements.
Select this check box to include non-capitalized G&A on the PSR Profit and Loss report. This option is for presentation purposes only. If you select this check box, the G&A is deducted from the Total WIP costs and not included in the Net Inventory Balance.
This check box is enabled only if you do not select the Capitalize G&A Applied to WIP check box.
Select this check box to control which validation method will be available in the Maintain Project Master screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master) or the Basic Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master). This check box defaults to selected. If you leave this check box selected, the Limit which Orgs can charge specific Accts check box will be available in the Basic Info or Maintain Project Master screen. If you do not select this check box, the Limit Accounts to P/O/A check box will be available. These options represent two ways of using the PROJ_ORG_ACCT table for transaction validation. Selecting this check box does not automatically activate a validation method, but allows you to make the selection in the Maintain Project Master and Basic Info screens.
The Limit which Orgs can charge specific Accts option is considered the detail method of transaction validation in the PROJ_ORG_ACCT table. When you use this method, the project, account, and org must be in the PROJ_ORG_ACCT table in order for the transaction to pass validation. This is the most restrictive method of project transaction validation. This setting applies to all transaction entry screens.
The Limit Accounts to P/O/A option is considered the summary method of transaction validation in the PROJ_ORG_ACCT table. When you use this method, the account and project must be in the PROJ_ORG_ACCT table, but you can use any org. This less restrictive method allows easier initialization and maintenance. This option applies to all transaction screens.
Several other options for transaction validation are available in the Maintain Project Master or Basic Info screens. The following is a brief summary of those options. For more information on these options, see the screen documentation for the Basic Info and Maintain Project Master screens.
You can use the Limit Accounts and/or Limit Orgs options, which are also found in the Maintain Project Master or Basic Info screen. For these methods, you must enter records in the Maintain Project/Account Validation screen (Projects » Project Setup » Controls) or the Maintain Project/Organization Validation screen (Projects » Project Setup » Controls), respectively.
You can, optionally, choose the least restrictive transaction validation method, which means that an account need only exist in the project account group before it can be charged by a project.
Select this check box to enable period of performance validation. The period of performance data is entered in the Modifications screen. The period of performance validation will produce a soft warning every time a transaction is entered that falls outside of the project's period of performance. Since this warning is invoked at the line level, it can greatly reduce the speed of data entry. If you are not concerned with period of performance validation, you should leave this check box empty.
Select this check box to track changes to the owning organization by project. You must select this check box to enable the Org History subtask of the Maintain Project Master screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master) or the Basic Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master). This check box is selected by default.
Use this group box to select the default commitments calculation method. This method will be the default in the Compute and Print Commitments screen (Materials » Purchasing » Reports).
Select this option to compute and print commitments for all purchase requisition/purchase order activity in the system, regardless of the transaction dates.
Select this option to compute and print commitments for the fiscal year, period, and subperiod entered. Any activity performed in subsequent periods will be ignored.
Select this option to use budget figures from Costpoint Budgeting and ETC to populate the budget fields in the screens in the Projects folder.
Select this option to use budget figures from Costpoint Advanced Project Budgeting to populate the budget fields in the screens in the Projects folder. This option is the default setting.
Select one of these options to be the default revenue posting method. This default can be overridden on a project-by-project basis as required in the Basic Revenue Info screen.
Select this option to set the posting of revenue by owning organization as the system default. Revenue is accumulated by cost element by performing organization in the project ledger. A revenue account for the owning organization can be used for fixed revenue formulas, overruns, and adjustments. If you select this option, revenue will be posted entirely to the owning organization, regardless of the organization that performed it.
Select this option to set the posting of revenue by performing organization as the system default. This means that revenue will be posted to the organization that performed, or contributed, it. If a revenue account is used in the project ledger, this amount will post to the owning organization.
Select this option to set the unit pricing default to total pricing (pricing is based on a set unit cost for all items in a given order). This selection does not preclude giving price breaks based on quantity ordered. It means that if a price break is given based on quantity, the price break will apply to all items on that order, not only to the number of items above the price break quantity.
Select this option to set the unit pricing default to incremental pricing (items on a single order can be priced at several different prices, based on a quantity pricing schedule). For example, if a client orders 50 units, the first 10 units can be priced at one amount, while the remaining 40 units are priced at a different amount.
Use this group box to select the method that the Load Labor Rates process (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Revenue Processing or Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings) will use to search for PLC rates.
Select this option to search only the PLCs from the source project on the first row of the table.
Select this option to search each row in the table by sequential order. Once a PLC is found for the source project of a given row, the system will no longer search the table, and the same source project will be used for all PLCs.
Select this option to ignore the Define Rate Sequence table for PLC defaulting and validation.
Use this group box to select the method by which you wish to recognize any excess revenue. Once you have made your selection, you should not change it because it will affect all projects on a company-wide basis.
You originally specified in the Basic Revenue Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Revenue Setup) whether or not you wanted to allow revenue to exceed value and by how much it could be exceeded by project. In addition, you also specified the revenue ceiling in the Project Total Ceilings screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Ceilings).
Select this option to allow revenue in excess of the signed value of the project to be computed and posted. Contract Value is the default selection.
Select this option to allow revenue in excess of the funded value of the project to be computed and posted.
Click this button to open the Select Revenue Formulas subtask, where you can select which revenue formulas will be available for selection in the Basic Revenue Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Revenue Setup) for each company. All formulas are originally set to “selected” status. If you do not want to use a revenue formula in your database, deselect the formula.
Click this button to open the Corporate Settings subtask, where you can select project settings options that will apply to all companies in your database.
Changes to this screen update the following tables: