Use this screen to initialize Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) information by project. This information serves as a catalog of items or products available to be used and invoiced on that particular project. CLIN or catalog numbers and descriptions are assigned in this screen. Items from the Basic Part Data screen (Materials » Product Definition » Part Master), Goods screen (Materials » Product Definition), or Services screen (click Materials » Product Definition) are linked to each CLIN through the Item Linkage subtask. Please note that this function is for use only with Costpoint Product Definition in the Materials folder. If you do not use that module, do not enter CLIN information in this screen.
Set up this screen after initializing the ITEM_PROD table in Costpoint Product Definition. The ITEM_PROD table is maintained through the Basic Part Data, Services, and Goods screens. You must set it up before you generate automatic product invoices. You should set up this screen before you attempt to enter unit usage data.
Enter, or use to select, the project level at which
you want this CLIN to be recorded. If billings are computed and edited
at a lower level of the project, the program looks for CLIN information
at the next highest project level until one is found.
Enter the CLIN in this field.
Enter a description for the contract line item.
Enter, or use to select, a valid sales group abbreviation
code. You can set up sales group abbreviation codes in the Set Up Sales
Group Abbreviations screen (Materials
» Product Definition » Product Billing). For more information on
sales group abbreviation codes, please see Billing Special Topic BL-6,
Enter, or use to select, a valid inventory abbreviation
code. You can set up inventory abbreviation codes in the Inventory Projects
screen (Materials » Inventory » Inventory
This column defaults your company's functional currency. Enter, or use
to select, the currency for this CLIN. This currency
code represents the type of currency with which this CLIN will be billed.
You can create multiple CLINs for the same item, but with a different
currency for each item. In a country like Bermuda, both British pounds
and United States dollars are accepted currency, so you can enter a CLIN
for one country with different currencies.
Currencies available for are those saved in the Maintain
Currencies screen (Accounting » Multicurrency
» Currencies).
If the currency selected is other than your company's functional currency,
enter, or use to select, the country for this CLIN. This
country code represents the country to which this CLIN will be sold. You
can create multiple CLINs for the same item, but with a different country
for each item.
You can save only those country codes entered and saved in the Maintain Countries screen (Others » System Administration » System Codes). A country code is NOT required for CLINs maintained in your functional currency.
Click this button to open the Link to Items subtask, where you can link items set up in Costpoint Product Definition to each CLIN.
This screen updates the following table: