Use this screen to impose a ceiling amount for any level of an account that is used in the calculation of revenue and billings for each element of direct cost for a project. This ceiling amount becomes the not-to-exceed amount for calculating how much direct cost is included when calculating revenue or billings.
Use this screen to initially set up any ceilings on direct cost that are used in the revenue and/or billing computations. Initialize this screen after you have set up the Project Account Groups screen (Projects » Project Setup » Controls), Basic Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master), Basic Revenue Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Revenue Setup), and Project Billing Info screen (Projects » Billing » Billing Master or Projects » Project Setup » Revenue Setup) and before calculating billing or revenue. Additional maintenance of the data in this screen is required only when a ceiling amount changes, or when a new one must be added.
Enter, or use to select a valid project for which to
enter data in this required field.
If you set a project to "inactive" status in the Basic Info
screen, or if a project does not allow charging, you can still enter it
in this field. However, inactive projects or those projects that do not
allow charging will not be available in .
If you have not set up revenue information for a project, you can still enter the project in this field. However, the system will display the following warning, "Project information has not been set up in the Basic Revenue Info screen."
The field to the right of the project displays the project description.
You can impose these ceilings on an account at any level, including the summary level.
Enter an account number or use to find the appropriate
account. This column can display any of the account numbers at any level
(including summary levels) contained in the account group for the project,
exclusive of the accounts that have a function code of Revenue,
Billed, or Unbilled-General.
If an account is not linked to the account group that is assigned to the project in the Basic Info screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master), the application will display the following warning: "This account is not set up for this project's Account Group Code." The application will, however, allow you to put this or any account in this table. If accounts that are not included in the project account group or are not expense accounts are listed in this table, the processing time of the Compute Revenue process (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Revenue Processing) will increase. You should exercise caution when selecting the accounts in this table. This is a required field.
This column displays the name of each account number displayed in the Account column. Account names are defined in the Maintain Accounts screen (Accounting » General Ledger » Accounts).
Enter the ceiling amount for the account. Ceiling amounts can be a positive number or can be zero. This is a required field.
Enter the code that determines whether the Ceiling Amount applies to the Revenue, Billing, or Both computations. Available codes include the following: R (Revenue), B (Billings), A (Both Revenue and Billings), or N (Neither Revenue nor Billings).
This is a required field.
Changes to this screen update the CEIL_DIR_CST table.