Use this subtask to enter detailed data on the subcontractors assigned to this change order. This will allow you to track and approve each subcontractor on an individual basis. Note that all subcontractors must be approved before the entire change order can be approved.


This non-editable field displays the project from the main screen. The project description appears in the adjacent non-editable field.

CO Number

This non-editable field displays the change order number from the main screen.


This non-editable field displays the change order description from the main screen.

Current Status

This non-editable field displays the current status of the change order from the main screen.

Budgeted Amount

This non-editable field displays the change order amount of the subcontractor line from the main screen.     


This non-editable field displays the account from the subcontractor line from the main screen.


This non-editable field displays the organization from the subcontractor line from the main screen.


This non-editable field displays the difference between the Budgeted Amount and the sum of the Negotiated Amount column. It represents the amount of the change order line that has not been identified to a subcontractor.

Entry Info


This non-editable field displays the user ID from the main screen.


This non-editable field displays the entry date from the main screen.

Table Window


Enter, or use the binoculars icon to select, a valid vendor. This field is required.

Vendor Name

This non-editable field displays the name of the selected vendor.


Enter up to 20 characters of text in this optional field for the subcontractor.


Enter up to 25 characters of text in this optional field for the subcontractor description.

Proposed Amt

Enter the proposed, or bid, amount for this subcontractor. This is a required field.

Negotiated Amount

Enter the negotiated, or contract, amount for this subcontractor. This is a required field.


Enter the amount to be multiplied by the Negotiated Amount column. This is a required field. When you enter a multiplier in this column, the Profit Amount column will automatically be calculated.  If the Profit Amount is subsequently changed, this column will be recalculated. 

Profit Amount

This amount is calculated by subtracting the Negotiated Amount from the Total AmountIf this amount is edited then the amounts in the Multiplier and Total Amount columns will change.

Total Amount

This non-editable column displays the sum of the Negotiated Amount column and the Profit Amount columns.  It is also the Negotiated Amount multiplied by the Multiplier column.


Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to approve this subcontractor. All subcontractors must be approved before the entire change order can be approved.


These non-editable fields display the amount of changed units, profit, and total amount budgeted for the units change order rows.


These non-editable fields display the amount of changed units, profit, and total amount remaining for the units change order rows.


These non-editable fields display the difference between the Budgeted and Remaining amounts above. Note that the sum of the Negotiated Amount column must equal the Budgeted Amount field before you can save this screen.