Use this subtask to spread cost and/or fee amounts across designated periods.
Amounts entered in this screen are added to existing records in the Project Direct Budget table for the given project, organization, fiscal year and budget revisions. You can enter direct cost or fee amounts. Specify a total amount to be spread. The program divides this amount by the number of subperiods selected for update and updates the account with these amounts. If you select multiple accounts for update, this amount is spread across each account.
You can enter budgets any time after setting up projects and budget revisions. This utility updates the Project Budget Direct table with amounts entered. Amounts existing in the Project Budget Direct table for the same project, organization, account, fiscal year, period, subperiod, and budget revision selected will be updated. If no record exists in the Project Budget Direct table, one will be created.
The program will create these records from either the Project/Org/Account or the Org/Account table depending on user setup. Therefore, you must exercise care when running this utility. For example, if you update all accounts for all subperiods, the system creates a record in the Project Direct Budget table for all accounts in either the Project/Org/Account or Org/Account table (for the selected org only) for all subperiods of the selected fiscal year. Assume you are not validating organizations for project charging. If you have 100 accounts linked to this organization, there are 100 rows in the Org/Account table for this org. If you have 12 periods in his fiscal year and 4 subperiods for each accounting period, you have a total of 48 subperiods. If you fill all accounts for all subperiods, you will create 4,800 rows in the Project Direct table. The maximum table window size is 1,000 rows.
Use this group box to limit the account rows that are created by this process.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the range of accounts to update. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use to select, the starting value for the
range you want to include. If you select All
or From Beginning in the Range Option field,
this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending value for the range
you want to include. If you select All,
One, or To
End in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Use this group box to limit the periods that will have budget rows created for them by this process.
Enter, or use to select, the range of periods and subperiods
to update. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use to select, the starting value for the
range you want to include. If you select All
or From Beginning in the Range Option field,
this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending value for the range
you want to include. If you select All,
One, or To
End in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
You can spread a direct Amount, a Fee Percent, or a Fee Amount. If you enter a direct amount, it is added to existing amounts. If you enter a fee percent, this amount replaces the existing fee.
Select his option and then enter an amount in the Fee/Amount field. This amount will be added to amounts already in the columns.
Select this option and then enter a fee percent in the Fee/Amount field. The fee percent entered here will replace the fee percent that was previously entered.
Select this option and then enter a fee amount in the Fee/Amount field.
If you update a direct amount, the fee amount recalculates based on the new direct amount multiplied by the fee percentage. If you enter a fee percent, the fee amount is recalculated based on this percentage. If you enter a fee amount, the fee percentage is modified to reflect the update.
Once selections have been made, click the Apply button to update the table window on the main screen. Only accounts with amounts modified by the update are displayed in the table window. You must save changes to update the Project Direct Budget table. If you exit before saving, the table will not be updated.