Use this subtask to escalate budgeted amounts by a user-determined escalation factor. This is especially useful when budgeting annual project costs. For example, in year two of a project, you could escalate the base budget by a factor of 5% to arrive at estimates for year two.
Enter budgets any time after setting up projects and budget revisions. A project budget must exist in the Project Direct Budget table before you can execute this subtask. This utility updates data stored in the Project Budget Direct table and displays the result set in the main screen's table window. The Project Budget Direct table is not updated until you save your changes.
Use this group box to limit the account rows that are updated by this subtask.
Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, the range of accounts to update. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is One.
Enter, or use to select, the starting value for the
range you want to include. If you select All
or From Beginning in the Range Option field,
this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending value for the range
you want to include. If you select All,
One, or To
End in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Use this group box to limit which subperiods are escalated by this process.
Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, the range of periods and subperiods to update. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use to select, the starting value for the
range you want to include. If you select All
or From Beginning in the Range Option field,
this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending value for the range
you want to include. If you select All,
One, or To
End in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
You can escalate a direct Amount, a Fee Percent, or a Fee Amount. For direct amounts entered, this amount replaces existing amounts. For a fee percentage entered, this amount replaces the existing fee. Note that amounts must exist in the Project Direct Budget table before they can be escalated. For example, if the Project Direct Budget table contains budgeted direct amounts but contains no budgeted fee, the escalation program cannot escalate fee amounts.
Select this option and then enter an amount in the Escalation % field.
Select this option and then enter a fee percent in the Escalation % field.
Select this option and then enter a fee amount in the Escalation % field.
Enter the escalation factor that you want to be used by the program. Note that this factor is applied globally across all periods. For example, if periods 1-6 are selected for escalation by 10%, the net escalation across all six periods is 10%, not 10% per period.
Once selections have been made, click the Apply button to update the table window. Only accounts with amounts modified (the result set of the update) are displayed in the table window. You must save changes to update the Project Direct Budget table. If you exit before saving, the table is not updated.