Performance Ratings

Use this screen to establish company-wide rating codes to be used for performance reviews. You can establish up to 99 codes by using whole numbers for the codes.

Review Form Setup

Use this screen to design a customized version of a review form or forms. The review form will be divided into five sections, each of which you can include or exclude, depending on your company's requirements.

Review Form Employee Defaults

Use this screen to establish a default review form for employees, based on your settings in the Review Form Assignment group box in the Compensation Settings screen. If you do not use this table, you must enter a review form code in the HR Info subtask of the Salary Info and History screen in Costpoint Employee in order to obtain a printout of the review form for an employee. You are not required to fill out this screen. Fill out this screen only if you want the review form ID to default into the Salary Info and History screen.

Print Performance Review Schedule

Use this screen to print information on employees who are scheduled for a performance review. Based on the Next Review Date in the HR Data subtask in the Basic Employee Info screen in Costpoint Employee, the report prints for a range of periods extending from 30 to 90 days and displays any reviews that are past due.

Print/Send Performance Review Schedule

Use this screen to print performance review schedules and send review schedules to managers, if you are using the E-mail capability provided. Managers will use this same application to send this information back to the Human Resources department. If you are not using the E-mail capability, print this report from the Print Performance Review Schedule screen instead.

Print Review Statistics By Manager

Use this screen to obtain an analysis by manager of how managers rate employees. This report will be useful if you wish to view how individual managers rate their employees.