This non-editable subtask displays the quotes for which the selected provisional part (in the main screen table window) is a quote line item. Quotes may or may not be in response to an RFQ. You can use provisional parts when establishing quotes in the Add Vendor Quotes subtask of both the Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates - Indented and Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates - Summarized screens in Costpoint Materials Estimating. You can also enter provisional parts in the Enter Quotes by Vendor screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning; however, you can use only standard parts, goods, and services in the Enter Quotes by Item and Enter Quotes by Vendor screens.

Not all quantity breakpoints and costs will be displayed for a given quote line. Use the Vendor Quote Inquiry application in Costpoint Purchasing, Procurement Planning, or Materials Estimating to view this information.

Provisional Part

Prov Part, Rev, Prov Part Type, Make/Buy, Part Type, Commodity, Industry Class

These fields display information about the selected provisional part in the main screen table window.


This table window displays quote information for the selected provisional part in the main screen. You can also find this information in both the Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates - Indented and Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates - Summarized screens in Costpoint Materials Estimating, and in the Enter Quotes by Vendor screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning. Once you convert the provisional part to a standard part, you can access this information in any system application where the quote is referenced.


This column displays the quote ID in which the provisional part is listed.

Quote Status

This column displays "O" (Open) or "C" (Closed) to indicate the status of the quote in which the provisional part is listed.

Quote Date

This column displays the date the quote was prepared or received.

Quote Expiration Date

This column displays the last day on which the information in this quote will be valid.

Quote Type

This column displays the quote type code that defines how this quote was received; for example: "C" (Catalog), "V" (Verbal), or "W" (Written Proposal). Quote types are established in the Quote Types screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning.


This column displays the Request for Quote (RFQ) ID for which this quote is being prepared, if applicable.

Quote Line

This column displays the system identifier of a line on the quote. It is a sequential number assigned by the system to track the line items of the quote.

Quote Line Status

This column displays the status for the quote line. Valid options are:

Vendor, Vendor Name, Vendor Location

These columns display the vendor ID for this quote, as well as the vendor name and vendor location. Vendors are established in the Vendor Info menu in Costpoint Accounts Payable, Procurement Planning, and Purchasing.

Minimum Quantity

This column displays the minimum quantity of the quoted item that the vendor is willing to sell in one order.

Quote U/M

This column displays the valid unit of measure that the vendor used when quoting this item.

Default Gross Unit Cost

This column displays the default gross unit cost quote for the selected item.

Default Volume Discount

This column displays the default volume unit discount amount for the quoted item.

Default Net Unit Cost

This column displays the default net unit cost amount for the quoted item.

Manufacturer, Manufacturer Part, Mfg Rev, Vendor Part, Vendor Rev

These columns display the manufacturer ID, manufacturer part ID, manufacturer part revision (if applicable), vendor part ID, and vendor part revision (if applicable) for the part being quoted. These columns will display on the quote line if the part/vendor combination exists for the selected provisional part ID in the Alternate Part Numbers subtask of the Maintain Provisional Parts screen.


This column displays the project ID assigned to the quote.

Ship ID

This column displays the ship ID to which the selected items in the quote are to be delivered.


This column displays alphanumeric text about the quote.