This non-editable subtask displays information regarding where the provisional part (highlighted in the main screen table window) appears in a proposal or Proposal Bill of Material ("PBOM"). Before you can populate the table window with the appropriate information, the provisional part must be an active end item in the proposal record (in the Maintain Proposal Master screen in Costpoint Materials Estimating) or a component part in a proposal's PBOM assembly (in the Maintain Proposal BOM screen in Costpoint Bills of Material).
The provisional part can exist as a single end item or as a PBOM in a proposal. Once you establish the proposal ID, you can create a PBOM and its components (i.e., the PBOM assembly) for the proposal in the Maintain Proposal BOM screen. In turn, you can assign the PBOM assembly as an end item in the Maintain Proposal Master screen.
These fields display information about the selected provisional part in the main screen table window.
This table window displays proposal information in which the provisional part is either an "end item" in a proposal record or a component part in a proposal's PBOM assembly. Proposal information is established in the Maintain Proposal Master screen, and you assign component parts to PBOM assemblies in the Maintain Proposal BOM screen in Costpoint Materials Estimating.
These columns display the ID, revision (if applicable), and name of the proposal in which the provisional part is included.
This column displays the status of the proposal. Valid options are "IP" (In Process), "CM" (Completed), "SB" (Submitted), "CA" (Closed Awarded), "CL" (Closed Lost), and "CN" (Closed Not Submitted).
These columns display the customer ID and customer name assigned to the proposal. Customer information is established and maintained in the Maintain Customer screen in Costpoint Accounts Receivable and Sales Order Entry.
The Make/Buy status assigned in the Maintain Provisional Parts screen defaults here, or you can select a new Make/Buy status for planning. This selection will display as "M" (Make) or "B" (Buy) in various screens.
These columns display the quantity breakpoint for the end item. The number selected in the Quantity Breakpoints drop-down box in the Maintain Proposal Master screen in Costpoint Materials Estimating determines the number of Proposal Qty Break fields that appear in the table window.
This column displays the default procurement type code for the RFQ that will be generated from this proposal. You can assign the value in this field in the Procurement Type field in the Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates - Summarized screen in Costpoint Materials Estimating.
This column displays the line charge type, if applicable, for the proposal item. You can assign the value in this field in the Fixed Cost Line Charge Type field in the Proposal Item Costs subtask of the Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates (either Indented or Summarized) screens in Costpoint Materials Estimating.
This column displays any notes associated with the proposal item. You can enter these notes for the line item in the Proposal Item Notes column in the Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates - Summarized screen in Costpoint Materials Estimating.