This non-editable subtask displays the EBOM components for the provisional part (in the main screen table window) where it exists as an unreleased assembly. Information displays in this subtask for the single EBOM level in which the provisional part exists for the given configurations and effectivity dates. You assign EBOM components to parts in the Maintain EBOM and Release EBOM screens in Costpoint Bills of Material.
These fields display information about the selected provisional part in the main screen table window.
This table window displays the component part information that is assigned to the provisional part in the Maintain EBOM screen in Costpoint Bills of Material. Both standard and provisional parts display if they are assigned to the EBOM assembly.
These columns display the line number and find number, respectively, in which the component appears for the EBOM.
These columns display the part ID, revision (if applicable), and description of the component.
This columns displays the component's status. For standard parts, the part status is established in the Maintain Parts screen. Valid system-defined options are: "Estimating," "Obsolete," "Pre-Release," "Released," and "Phase-Out." This column displays "Provisional" for components that are provisional parts.
This column displays the provisional part type if the component part is a provisional part. Provisional part types are established in the Provisional Part Types screen, and can be assigned in the Maintain Provisional Parts screen.
This column displays the component type code for the EBOM: "B" (Buy w/Comp), "S" (Standard), "P" (Phantom), "R" (Reference), "T" (Tool), or "D" (Deleted). This required value defaults from the Basic Part Data screen (for regular parts) or from the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).
This column displays the quantity type code that specifies how component requirements are calculated in the EBOM: "A" (Per Assembly), "O" (Per Order), or "R" (As Required).
This column displays the required component part quantity for the EBOM.
This column displays the inventory unit of measure for the component from the Basic Part Data screen (for standard parts), or the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).
This column displays "M" if the component is a "Make" part or "B" if it is a "Buy" part. This value defaults from the Basic Part Data screen (for regular parts) or Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).
This column displays "Y" (Yes) if the component has been released in this EBOM or "N" (No) if it is unreleased. This column will always display "N" for provisional component parts.
This column displays the date and time the component was released on this EBOM if the Comp Release column is "Y." If the component is not released, this field is null.
This column displays "Y" (Yes) if the component is a subassembly (i.e., its own EBOM) or "N" (No) if it is not.
If the component is a subassembly (i.e., its own EBOM, and the EBOM Exists column is "Y"), this column displays that EBOM's status: "R" if the EBOM is released or "U" if it is unreleased.
These columns display the configuration ID and configuration description for this EBOM. Configuration IDs are established in the Configuration Identifiers screen in Costpoint Bills of Material. If a configuration ID has not been assigned to this component part's EBOM, these columns will be blank.
This column displays the date on which this component becomes effective in this EBOM.
This column displays the date on which this component will cease to be effective in this EBOM.
This column displays comments that apply to this EBOM component.
This column displays the date of the last engineering change notice for this part. This field is disabled if Costpoint Engineering Change Notices is being used.
This column displays the percentage (from 0.00 to 999.99) of this component that is expected to be lost when manufacturing this assembly. This value defaults from the Planning Part Data screen (for standard parts) or the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).
This column displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not the EBOM explosion should proceed to the next lower level of the subassembly.
This column displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not the quantity requirements of that component are to be omitted during the EBOM explosion.