Use this screen to establish labels for user-defined fields to be used in relation to any item within the system. You will use these labels in the User-Defined Info screen to enter information specific to a given item.

You can also use this screen to set up validated text and labels (i.e., if the Data Type is "T") so that you can control what is entered into the user-defined field(s). You can create validated text labels, which allow use of the Lookup function, in either of the following ways:

  1. Enter "Y" (Yes) in the Validated Text column and use the Validated Text subtask to customize the information that appears in Lookup in the User-Defined Labels screen.

  2. Enter "N" (No) in the Validated Text column and use Lookup in the Costpoint Validation Field column to select the Costpoint data table column that will be used for Lookup in the User-Defined Info screen.

Set up this screen when initializing the system and maintain it whenever you add or maintain item user-defined labels.

Seq No

Enter a sequence number, containing up to four numeric digits, to indicate the order in which these labels will appear in Lookup in the User-Defined Info screen. The sequence numbers must be consecutive across all labels. New rows are automatically incremented by 10, allowing for insertion of additional rows at a later time. This field is required.

Data Type

Use this drop-down box to select the data type allowed in the User-Defined Info screen. Select "D" (Date) to allow entry of only a date. Select "N" (Numeric) to allow entry of only a number. Select "T" (Text) to allow entry of alphanumeric text.

Only "T" (Text) data types will be allowed if you enter "Y" (Yes) in the Validated Text column.


Enter the row heading, up to 15 alphanumeric characters. This label will appear in the User-Defined Info screen, and you will be able to assign values to your selected item.

Short Help Description

Enter a description of the label containing up to 120 alphanumeric characters. This description will appear at the bottom of the screen where these user-defined labels are used.

Costpoint Validation Field

If the line's Data Type is "T" (text) and the Validated Text field is "N" (No), enter, or use Lookup to select, a column of an already existing data table that was established in the Define Case Labels screen under the Design menu in Costpoint Workflow (located in the Others folder). The value in this column will be used as a Lookup source in the Values field in the User-Defined Info screen. If the line's Data Type is "T" (text) and the Validated Text field is "Y" (Yes), you must populate at least one row in the Validated Text subtask. Highlight the row for which you want to enter values and select the Validated Text pushbutton. This opens up the Validated Text subtask, where you set up the valid values.

You cannot enter data in the Costpoint Validation Field in this screen when the Data Type is "D" (Date) or "N" (Number); rather, you can populate this field in the User-Defined Info screen or in the User-Defined Info subtask when you establish parts, services, and/or goods.

Validated Text

Enter a "Y" (Yes) to restrict entries made for this label to specific alphanumeric text. Use the Validated Text subtask to create these text items and their descriptions. You cannot use the Costpoint Validation Field for this row when there is a "Y" (Yes) in this column.


Enter a "Y" (Yes) if this user-defined information will be a required field for this item on the User-Defined Info screen.


Enter a "Y" (Yes) to print this label's value on reports that can print user-defined labels.

Validated Text

Select this pushbutton to open the Validated Text subtask.

Table Information

The ITEM_UDEF, UDEF, and UDEF_LBL tables store the settings from this screen.