Use this screen to assign values to the user-defined fields for each item within Costpoint Product Definition. The labels for these user-defined fields must already have been established in the Item User-Defined Labels screen. This screen also displays any user-defined information that was assigned to the part, service or good under the User-Defined Info subtask in the screen in which the item was established.

Set up this screen after establishing the item and the Item User-Defined Labels screen. Maintain this screen whenever you need to change or add data for the item in the Values field.


Use Find or Query to select a part. If selecting a part with revisions, be sure to choose the desired revision.


This field displays the revision of the item selected in the Item field.


This field displays the item description.

Table Window

Data Type

The data type created in the Item User-Defined Labels screen displays in this column. This field displays "D" (Date) to allow entry of only a date, "N" (Numeric) to allow entry of only a number, or "T" (Text) to allow entry of alphanumeric text for a selected line in the Values field.


The labels created in the Item User-Defined Labels screen display in this column.


If a line's Data Type is "T" (text) and the Validated Text field is "Y" (Yes), enter, or use Lookup to select, a value that was created for the label in the Validated Text subtask in the Item User-Defined Labels screen. If a line's Data Type is "T" (text), the Validated Text field is "N" (No), and the Costpoint Validation Field is not populated, you may enter any alphanumeric text in the Values field. However, if the Costpoint Validation Field is populated with an existing data table name, enter, or use Lookup to select, a value in this field that corresponds to that particular data table. If a line's Data Type is "N" (Numeric), you may enter a numeric value in this field. If a line's Data Type is "D" (Date), you may enter a date in this field. If the Required field is "Y" (Yes) for any given line, the Values field must be populated based on the selected line's Data Type.

Costpoint Validation Field

If the line's Data Type is "T" (Text) and the Costpoint Validation Field was populated in the Item User-Defined Labels screen, this column displays the value from the Costpoint Validation Field, which is the Costpoint field that is the source for acceptable entries in the Values field for this row.

Validated Text

This column displays a "Y" (Yes) if special text items (i.e., if the Data Type field is "T") were created for this row in the Validated Text subtask of the Item User-Defined Labels screen. These items will be available in Lookup in the Values field. "N" (No) in this column indicates no special items were created for this row.


A "Y" (Yes) in this column means this field is required for each item. "N" (No) means this field is not required for each item.

Table Information

The ITEM_UDEF table stores information for this screen. Information for user-defined info is also stored in and/or pulled from the following tables: ITEM, S_WF_CASE, UDEF_ID_LBL, UDEF_LBL, UDEF_VALID_VALUES.