Costpoint Billing (in the Projects folder) and Sales Order Entry use sales group abbreviations to indicate accounts/ organizations and projects used in revenue and cost recognition.

The sales group abbreviation is a grouping of selected account, projects, and organizations. You can enter one account, organization, and project for each of the system defined account types, which include the following: "Accounts Receivable Account," "Cost of Sales Account," "Deferred Revenue Account," "Clearing Account," "Labor," "Liquidation Account," "Sales Account," "Unbilled A/R Account," "Warranty Accrual Account," and "Warranty Expense Account." You must establish at least one abbreviation for use by Costpoint Sales Order Entry. You can link the abbreviations established here to customers, projects, sales catalogs, and CLIN information. As sales orders are entered, the system provides a default sales group abbreviation that can be changed as necessary.

Set up this screen when you initialize Costpoint Sales Order Entry and maintain it whenever you need new account groupings. You must establish valid account/organization links and valid project/account/organization links before you can enter them in this screen. Account numbers must exist in the Project Account Groups screen in Costpoint Project Setup before you can set them up for a sales group abbreviation.

Sales Group Abbrev

Enter the desired sales abbreviation up to a maximum of six characters. This is a required field.


Enter a description of the sales group abbreviation containing up to 25 alphanumeric characters. This is a required field.

Sales Order

Select this checkbox if the sales group abbreviation will be used by Costpoint Sales Order Entry. You must designate t least one sales group abbreviation for use by Costpoint Sales Order Entry. If this checkbox is left blank, the abbreviation will not be valid for order entry.

Transaction Type

Transaction Type Description

Select the transaction type you want for the sales group abbreviation. You can establish only one account, organization, and project for each account type. However, you can use the same account across multiple abbreviations. Available account types are: "Accounts Receivable Account," "Cost of Sales Account," "Deferred Revenue Account," "Clearing Account," "Labor," "Liquidation Account," "Sales Account," "Unbilled A/R Account," "Warranty Accrual Account," and "Warranty Expense Account."  To select a transaction type, highlight it and select the Select pushbutton. The account type you have selected will move to the Transaction Type column in the Sales Account Group table window. To deselect a transaction type, highlight it and select the Deselect pushbutton. The account type will move to the Transaction Type table window.

A sales account or deferred revenue account, and an accounts receivable or unbilled A/R account, are always required. The clearing account and cost of sales account are optional but, when entered, the two accounts can be the same. Where appropriate, you can link the clearing account to a project. When it is necessary to enter a clearing account, you must also enter a cost of sales account. If you are not using Costpoint Inventory, the clearing account is required. Accordingly, a liquidation account is optional but, when it is entered, you must also enter a corresponding unbilled A/R. Warranty accrual and warranty expense are also optional entries. A warranty accrual account requires entry of a valid warranty expense account.


Highlight the text code(s) in the Transaction Type group box that you want assigned to this Sales Group Abbreviation and use the Select pushbutton to assign the code and move it to the Sales Account Group table window. Reverse the selection procedure and use Deselect to remove the assignment of a Transaction Type.

Sales Account Group

Transaction Type

This field displays the transaction type you selected in the Transaction Type group box.

Proj Reqd

After you have selected a transaction type, you must specify whether or not a project is required. If a project is required for the account/organization, enter "R."  If the account/organization is non-contract related and a project is not required, enter "N."  If the account/organization allows for project substitution, enter "S." If you enter "S," you must leave the Project column blank; you can then enter a project to charge on individual sales orders during sales order entry. The accounts entered for transaction types using substitution must be set up in the Maintain Accounts screen in Costpoint General Ledger with the Project Required checkbox selected.

The system will validate all project, account, and organization links entered against the Proj Reqd value. For example, when you set the Proj Reqd field to "N" (non-contract related), the account entered for the transaction type cannot be established as a Project Required account in the Maintain Accounts screen of Costpoint General Ledger.

If the sales and other related accounts are consistent across all tasks of a particular project, or even across all projects, the Project Required checkbox in the Maintain Accounts screen could be selected as substitution allowed. You would then set up the sales group abbreviation as a default value in a product catalog or for an item within a CLIN.


If you entered "R" in the Project Reqd field, you must enter a valid project here. If you entered an "S" in the Project Reqd field, you must leave this field blank. The project to charge will be established during sales order entry. If you entered "N" in the Project Reqd field, you should leave this field blank.

Project Name

If you enter a valid Project, this non-editable field displays the project name.


Enter an account number or use Lookup to select one. As you move to the next field, the system will validate that the account number is not a summary account or a project account and that the account is active. When you exit the row, the system will check to see if the account is valid for the organization.

Account Name

The account name will be displayed here and cannot be changed.


Enter an organization number or use Lookup select an organization. As you move to the next field, the system will validate that the organization is active. This is usually a required column. However, if the Sales Order checkbox is left blank and you entered "S" in the Proj Reqd field, Organization is not required.

Organization Name

The organization name will be displayed here and cannot be changed.

Ref 1

Enter a reference number or use Lookup to select a reference number. This field is not required.

Ref 2

Enter a reference number or use Lookup to select a reference number. This field is not required.

Table Information

The SALES_ABBRV_CD table stores information for this screen. Information for sales group abbreviations is also stored in and/or pulled from the following tables: ACCT, ORG, PROJ_EDIT, REF_STRUC, S_PROD_TRN_TYPE, SALES_GROUP_ACCTS.