This non-editable subtask displays all component parts for the provisional (assembly) part in an unreleased engineering bills of material assembly in the Maintain EBOM screen in Costpoint Bills of Material.  The EBOM assembly's component parts (in the table window) can consist of both standard and/or provisional parts. Only single-level BOM explosions from the Maintain EBOM screen are shown for this assembly (provisional) part. 

Provisional Part, Rev, U/M

These fields display the provisional part's ID, revision number, unit of measure and description from the main screen.

Table Window

Comp Line

This column displays the line number for the component part from the table window in the Maintain EBOM screen.

Find No

This column displays the find number for the component part from the table window in the Maintain EBOM screen.

Component Part

This column displays the component part (from Maintain EBOM) that is used to create an EBOM assembly for the provisional (assembly) part. A component part in this screen can be a provisional or standard part, and may also be the "Assembly Part" in an EBOM assembly with its own group of separate components (i.e., the EBOM Exists field is "Y"). This constitutes a multi-level EBOM. 

Comp Rev

This field displays the latest revision number for the component part in the Maintain EBOM screen. If the Allow Multiple Revisions For Each Item checkbox is selected in the Product Definition Corporate Settings subtask of the Product Definition Settings screen and multiple revisions exist for the part, this field will display the applicable revision number.  If the Allow Multiple Revisions For Each Item checkbox is not selected, only the last revision of the part will display.

Component Description

This column displays the description of the component part from the main screen. 

Comp Part Status

This field displays the part status of the component.  If the part has its own EBOM assembly (where the EBOM Exists field is "Y"), this field will display the Part Status for that EBOM subassembly.  If the EBOM Exists field is "N" (i.e., no subassembly exists), this field displays the part status from the Maintain Parts or Basic Part Data screens in Costpoint Product Definition for standard parts. This field displays "Provisional" for provisional component parts.

Provisional Part Type

This field displays the provisional part type if the component part is a provisional part. This field is blank for standard parts.

Comp Type

This column displays the component type code for the component part from the Maintain EBOM screen: "B" (Buy w/Comp), "S" (Standard), "P" (Phantom), "R" (Reference), "T" (Tool), and "D" (Deleted).

Quantity Type

This field displays one of the following quantity type codes that determine how component requirements are calculated in the EBOM: "A" (Per Assembly), "O" (Per Order), or "R" (As Required).


This column displays the quantity of the component part (from the table window in the Maintain EBOM screen) required for the assembly EBOM. 

Inv U/M

This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the component from the Basic Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition (for standard parts) or the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts).

Comp Make/Buy

This field displays "M" if the component part is a "Make" part or "B" if it is a "Buy" part.  The Make/Buy status can be maintained in the Maintain Provisional Parts screen (for provisional parts) or the Maintain Parts screen  (for standard parts), and can also be changed for the component line in the Maintain EBOM or Release EBOM screens.

Comp Release

This field displays "Y" (Yes) to indicate that this component part will be released in the Maintain EBOM screen or "N" (No) to indicate that it will not be released.  If the component part is a provisional part, it cannot be released in an EBOM unless it is converted to a standard part.

Comp Release Date

This field displays the date and time the component was released on this EBOM if the Comp Release field is "Y."  Otherwise, this field is null.

EBOM Exists

This field displays "Y" (Yes) if the component is a subassembly or an "N" (No) if not.

Comp EBOM Status

This field displays the release status of the EBOM for a component if it is a subassembly. If the part has its own BOM assembly (where the EBOM Exists field is "Y"), this field will display the release status for that assembly level. If the EBOM Exists field is "N," this field will be null.

Configuration, Configuration Description

These columns display the configuration ID and description for the component line if it has been entered in the Maintain EBOM screen. The Configuration ID is an optional field in the Maintain EBOM screen and can be populated with a valid ID that is established in the Configuration Identifiers screen in Costpoint Bills of Material.  If the Use Configuration IDs checkbox is unchecked in the BOM Corporate Settings subtask of the BOM Settings screen, this column will be hidden in the Maintain EBOM screen.

Effective Starting Date

This column displays the date on which the component part becomes effective in the component line for the EBOM. This required field defaults to the current date in the Maintain EBOM screen when you enter a new line.

Effective Ending Date

This column displays the date on which the component part will cease being effective in the component line for the EBOM. This optional field defaults to blank in the Maintain EBOM screen when you enter a new line.

Component Comments

This column displays any notes or comments associated with the component from the Maintain EBOM screen. 

Last ECN

This field displays the date of the last engineering change notice for this part.  This field is disabled if Costpoint Engineering Change Notices is being used.


This field displays the percentage (from 0.00 to 999.99) of this component that you expect to be lost when manufacturing this assembly. This required numeric field is originally established in the Planning Part Data screen (for standard parts), or in the main screen (in the Default Scrap % field) for provisional parts. This value defaults from the EBOM, where it can be changed.

Stop Explosion

This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not the BOM explosion should proceed to the next lower level of the subassembly.

Omit Requirements

This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not the quantity requirements of the component are to be omitted during the BOM explosion.