Use this subtask to view/modify units of measure conversion for the selected part.
This field displays the part from the Planning Part Data screen. The description of the part is displayed below this field.
If you selected the Allow Multiple Revisions For Each Item checkbox in the Product Definition Corporate Settings subtask of the Product Definition Settings screen and the selected part has a revision, it is displayed here.
This field displays the unit of measure assigned to the selected part in the Basic Part Data screen.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the code indicating the unit of measure being converted "From."
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the code indicating the unit of measure being converted to "To."
Enter the conversion factor. The conversion factor is the value by which the "From" unit of measure is to be multiplied or divided to determine the "To" unit of measure.
Enter "M" (Multiply) or "D" (Divide) to indicate whether to multiply or divide the Conversion Factor in order to determine the unit of measure.
Enter the rounding type code to indicate the system-defined rounding methods. The possible rounding types available are: "N" (Normal rounding rules) for no rounding at all, "U" (round Up) to raise to the next higher whole number, or "D" (round Down) to lower to the pervious whole number. This field is required. If left blank, the system will default to "N" (Normal).