Use this screen to set up product options and link the items related to that product option, and to determine which optional component item you can use in place of the default component item.

Use this screen to link product option items to a manufacturing, engineering, or proposal  BOM for eventual uploading into an SO line component list, and to determine the upgrade price amount and/or add-on price amount on the SO Line unit price. 

Product Option ID

Enter, or use Query to select, up to 15 unique alphanumeric characters for product option identification.


Enter a description of the product option containing up to 30 alphanumeric characters. This is a required field.

Table Window


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the item(s) that can be used as an optional product, item or part. When you enter the item on a BOM line, the product option ID(s) to which it is assigned will be available for Lookup in the Product Option field for that particular BOM record.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the revision number for the selected item.


This field displays the item description and defaults from the Item field.

Sales U/M

This field displays the unit of measure in which the item is sold.


This field displays the currency code for the product option.  If you have enabled Costpoint Multicurrency, use the Repeat Line function to store the item in multiple rows for a given product option, provided that the currency codes are different. If you are not using Costpoint Multicurrency, you can use an item on only one row for a given product option code, and the Repeat Line function and Currency column will be disabled.


This field displays the country code for the product option.

Upgrade Price Amount

Enter the upgrade price amount by which the sales order line price will increase or decrease if you select this item to replace another item for this option.

Add-on Price Amount

Enter the add-on price amount that will be added to the sales order line if you add this item as a new line in the Components subtask of the Enter Sales Order screen in Costpoint Sales Order Entry.