Use this non-editable subtask to view the cost element information on the selected issue line. This subtask is disabled if cost information is suppressed for your user ID in the Maintain Users screen in Costpoint System Administration.

Use this subtask whenever you need to view the cost detail for the part in the selected issue line.


This field displays the ID of the part issued on the selected line. A description of the part is displayed in the untitled field below this field.


This field displays the revision level for the issued part.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the issued part.

Inv Abbrv

This field displays the inventory abbreviation associated with the issued line.

Direct Cost Elements


This field displays the cost per unit amount of material for the part.


This field displays the cost per unit amount of labor for the part.


This field displays the cost per unit amount of subcontracted services for the part.

Miscellaneous 1

This field displays the cost per unit amount of miscellaneous 1 expense for the part.

Miscellaneous 2

This field displays the cost per unit amount of miscellaneous 2 expense for the part.

Burden Cost Elements


This field displays the cost per unit amount of material burden for the part. Material burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses.


This field displays the cost per unit amount of labor burden for the part. Labor burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses.


This field displays the cost per unit amount of subcontract burden for the part. Subcontract burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses.

Miscellaneous 1

This field displays the cost per unit amount of miscellaneous 1 burden for the part. Miscellaneous 1 burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses.

Miscellaneous 2

This field displays the cost per unit amount of miscellaneous 2 burden for the part. Miscellaneous 1 burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses.

Total Unit Cost

This field displays the total of all cost elements as the total unit cost for the part/revision level/inventory abbreviation.

Issue Qty

This field displays the quantity of the part issued on the selected transaction line.

Trans Line Amt

This field displays the total extended cost of the issued part for the selected transaction line. It is equal to the issued quantity multiplied by the unit cost for the selected part/revision level/inventory abbreviation.