Use this function to identify variances between charged and relieved Warehouse Inventory Part (WIP) amounts on closed and completed manufacturing orders. You can also create a journal entry to move the variance amounts to a specified account/organization.
Use this function as needed. Note that this is a single-user function.
Use the fields in this group box to select the fiscal year, period, and subperiod for which you want to run the variance calculation.
Use the drop-down box to select the fiscal year for calculating and posting the WIP variance. You can select only open fiscal years.
Use the drop-down box to select the period for calculating and posting the WIP variance. You can select only open periods for the selected Fiscal Year.
Use the drop-down box to select the subperiod for calculating and posting the WIP variance. You can select only open subperiods for the selected Fiscal Year and Period.
This field displays the date and time the burden rate was last calculated for the selected Fiscal Year.
Select this pushbutton to load previous journal entry creations for the selected Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod.
Use the drop-down box to select whether burdening will be done based on "Actual" rates or "Target" rates. If the Target Rates radio button is selected in the Inventory Accounts screen (in Costpoint Inventory), this field will default with the "Target" option when you initialize this screen, and target burden rates will be used when calculating the MO WIP variance. If the Actual Rates radio button is selected in the Inventory Accounts screen (in Costpoint Inventory), this field will default with the "Actual" option when you initialize this screen, and actual burden rates will be used when calculating the MO WIP variance. If you select the last period/subperiod of the fiscal year, the default will be "Actual."
Enter the ID of the journal entry to be created by the WIP variance process, or leave blank to have the system assign it.
This table window displays previous journal entry creations for the selected Fiscal Year/Period/Subperiod. If journal entries have not been posted, you can delete the old entries and rerun the process. If journal entries have already been posted, any new entry will reflect only the difference between the previous journal entries and the current variance.
This column displays the journal entry ID.
This column displays the status of the journal entry, "Posted" or "Unposted."
This column displays the date and time the journal entry was created.
This column displays the date and time corresponding to the inventory burden rate that was used to calculate the variance.
This column displays the user ID of the person who generated the variance.