Use this screen to generate requisitions for manufacturing order subcontractor requirements. You can then access the requisition in Costpoint Procurement Planning. When you generate requisitions in this application, transactional and functional currencies are assumed to be the same, and therefore all transactional and functional amounts for requisitions will be the same (i.e., the exchange rate is 1). Purchase Orders generated from these requisitions will have their PO costs added to the cost of the manufacturing order and will have the MO ID as the order reference ID.

During requisition generation, the preferred vendor is not assigned if it is a payroll vendor, if its Approval Code is "Pending" or "Not Approved," or if its Vendor Status for PO is "On Hold."

This application will not use Find, Query, Delete, Save, Save/Continue or Clone functions.  In addition, New Line, Insert Line, Repeat Line, Delete Line and Undelete Line will be disabled on the main table window.  Select the Execute pushbutton after selecting the MO Status criteria and additional fields to limit the displayed MOs or MO Routing lines.  You can select the planner, default build-to project, netting group, warehouse, and MO status of the MOs to display. Closed and completed MOs are excluded from the display.

Use this screen to pull up either a list of open MOs or a list of open MO routing lines referencing subcontractor operations that meet the entered selection criteria.


Select the planner of the MOs to be displayed, or leave blank to see all planners' MOs.


Enter the default build-to project of the MOs to be displayed, or leave blank to see all projects' MOs.


Enter the warehouse of the MOs to be displayed, or leave blank to see all warehouses' MOs.

Netting Group

Enter the netting group of the MOs to be displayed, or leave blank to see all netting groups' MOs.

Select MO Status

Use the options in this group box to select the MO statuses that will display in the table window. 


Select this checkbox to include MOs with a planned status.  This checkbox will be disabled if Costpoint Material Requirements Planning is enabled.


Select this checkbox to include MOs with a released status.

Firm Planned

Select this checkbox to include MOs with a firmed planned status.


Select this checkbox to include MOs with an in-shop status.

Show Open Subcontract Operations Only

Use this checkbox to determine how MOs or MO Routing Lines should be loaded in the table window of this screen. If you select this checkbox, the system will find any open MO routing subcontract operation lines for any MOs that meet the Planner, Warehouse, Project, Netting Group, and status requirements. If you do not select this checkbox, the table window will load those MOs that meet the Planner, Warehouse, Project, Netting Group, and status requirements; however, the operation-related columns will be unavailable. If you have not installed Costpoint Routings, this option will not be available.

Sort By

Use this drop-down box to sort the MOs or MO routing lines in a specified order. Available options include "Need Date," "Project," "MO," and "Status."


Select this pushbutton to load the MO window according to the entered selection and sort criteria.

Table Window


This field displays the manufacturing order ID.


This field displays the type of the manufacturing order.


This field displays the current status of the manufacturing order.


This field displays the part ID number for which the MO was created.


The revision level of the part is displayed in this field.


This field displays the part description for which the MO was created.

Reqs Exist

This field displays a "Y" (Yes) if there are one or more requisition lines that exist for that row.  This field initially defaults to "N" (No).

Create Req

This field displays a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) depending on whether or not a requisition is to be created.  A "Y" (Yes) in this field activates the Req Header and Req Line pushbuttons.

Req No

This field displays the requisition number for the row.  If the System radio button is not selected in the Requisition Settings screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning, you must manually enter a requisition number before the requisition can be generated.

Operation Number

This column displays only when a search is executed with the Show Open Subcontract Operations Only checkbox selected.  This field displays the subcontractor operation number assigned in the Enter Manufacturing Orders and Expedite Manufacturing Orders screens.


This column displays only when a search is executed with the Show Open Subcontract Operations Only checkbox selected.  This field displays the step number of the subcontractor operation assigned in the Enter Manufacturing Orders and Expedite Manufacturing Orders screens.


This column displays only when a search is executed with the Show Open Subcontract Operations Only checkbox selected.  This field displays the code of the subcontractor operation assigned in the Enter Manufacturing Orders and Expedite Manufacturing Orders screens.

Operation Description

This column displays only when a search is executed with the Show Open Subcontract Operations Only checkbox selected. This field displays the name of the subcontractor operation assigned in the Enter Manufacturing Orders and Expedite Manufacturing Orders screens.


This column displays the planner responsible for the MO.


This column displays the supervisor responsible for the MO.


This non-editable column displays the warehouse in which this MO is being built. If you enter the warehouse and execute the search, this field will be unavailable.

Order Reference

This non-editable column displays the order reference number for which this MO is being built.

Build Inv Abbrev

This non-editable column displays the inventory abbreviation of this MO allocation line.

Build Inv Abbrev Name

This non-editable column displays the name of the build inventory abbreviation.

Build Project

This non-editable column displays the project of the build inventory abbreviation. If you enter the project and execute the search, this field will be unavailable. 

Build Proj Abbrev

This column displays the project abbreviation of the build project. It cannot be modified.

Netting Group

This non-editable column displays the netting group of the build project. If you enter the netting group and execute the search, this field will be unavailable.

Order Date

This non-editable column displays the date the MO was originally ordered.

Need Date

This non-editable column displays the date on which the MO needs to be completed.

Planned Completion Date

This non-editable column displays the date on which the MO is due to be completed.

Planned Release Date

This non-editable column displays the date on which the MO is planned for release to the stockroom. This column is unavailable when a search is executed with the Planned and Firm Planned checkboxes not selected.

Release Date

This column displays the date on which the MO was released to the stockroom. This column defaults to the current date if it was previously blank and the MO status was changed to Released or In-Shop. This field will be blank if the MO status is Planned or Firm Planned.

Planned In-Shop Date

This non-editable column displays the date on which the MO will be issued to the shop floor. This column is unavailable when a search is executed with the Planned, Firm Planned, and Released checkboxes are not selected.

In-Shop Date

This column displays the date on which the MO was issued to the shop floor. This field defaults to the current date if it was previously blank and the MO status was changed to In-Shop.  This field must be blank if the MO status is Planned, Firm Planned, or Released.

Subcontract Charges

This column displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) depending on whether or not there has been subcontract activity for the MO. This column cannot be modified.

Total MO Build Qty

This non-editable column displays the total quantity of the part that is to be built on this MO.

Completed Total Qty

This non-editable column displays the total quantity that has been completed on the MO.


This column displays the organization associated with the MO.

Org Abbrev

This column displays the organization's abbreviation.

Allow Subcontracts

This column displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) depending on whether or not subcontract charges to this MO are allowed.  This column can be modified.  If this field is "N" and the Create Req field is "Y," the Allow Additional Subcontractor Charges checkbox must be selected in the Header subtask of the Enter MOs screen; otherwise, the system will display the following message: "The requisition generated for this MO cannot be turned into a PO until the Allow Subcontracts flag is changed to Y on the MO." 

Requestor Employee

This column displays the employee ID of the requisitioner assigned to the requisition line.  This column defaults from the requisitioner ID field in the Requisition Header subtask, which displays the MO planner's employee ID.

Req Header

Select this pushbutton to generate a requisition and apply header information.  This pushbutton is disabled if the selected line's Create Req field is "N."

Req Line

Select this pushbutton to enter and/or view detailed information related to the requisition being generated. This pushbutton is disabled if the selected line's Create Req field is "N."


Select this pushbutton to show all existing subcontractor requisitions and/or purchase orders that have been created for the selected MO.

Generate Reqs

When you enter "Y" (Yes) in the Create Req field and select the Req No for the selected lines in the table window, use this pushbutton to create the new requisition. You cannot use this pushbutton to modify existing requisitions.  Maintain requisitions in the Requisitions menu in Costpoint Procurement Planning.