Use this subtask to view all total and relieved costs associated with the manufacturing order. The fields in this subtask display inventory cost element and lower level cost information for the selected transaction line. These costs are always calculated based on the Cost Type, and in most cases, costs are pulled from the "L" (Last) cost type in the Maintain Item Cost or Maintain Project Item Cost screens in Product Definition.  For example, after you receive a part in the Receive Miscellaneous screen in Costpoint Receiving, the cost elements entered for the received part update the last cost type and are used when calculating the total material, labor, subcontract, and miscellaneous costs for the MO. This subtask will not be available if Cost Suppression is in effect (i.e., the Suppress Cost checkbox is selected in the table window in the Maintain Users screen in Costpoint System Administration).


This field displays the ID of the manufacturing order.


This field displays the status of the MO.

Cost Type

This field displays the cost type being used. The value in this field defaults from the Project Inventory Valuation Method for the Build To inventory project/inventory abbreviation in the Inventory Projects screen in Costpoint Inventory. 

Build Part

This field displays the ID of the build part. A description of the part displays in the untitled field below this field.


This field displays the revision level of the build part.


This field displays the unit of measure of the build part.

MO Total Costs

The cost amounts in this group box display all total costs associated with the MO once the status is "Completed" for all component, subassembly, and build part transactions. Once the issue ID is assigned to the MO in the Enter Manufacturing Order Issues screen, these costs are pulled from the inventory transaction for the part.   

Material (Direct)

This field displays the direct material total cost, which includes the sum of all direct MO header material cost elements and lower level material cost amounts for the MO.

Labor (Direct)

This field displays the direct labor total cost, which includes the sum of all direct MO header lower-level labor cost amounts and the labor cost amount for any timesheet lines charged to the MO.

Subcontract (Direct)

This field displays the direct subcontract total cost, which includes the sum of all direct MO header subcontract cost elements and lower-level subcontract cost amounts for the MO.

Misc 1 (Direct)

This field displays the direct miscellaneous 1 total cost, which includes the sum of all direct MO header miscellaneous 1 cost elements, lower level miscellaneous 1 cost amounts, and the miscellaneous cost amount for any timesheet lines charged to the MO.

Misc 2 (Direct)

This field displays the direct miscellaneous 2 total cost, which includes the sum of all direct MO header miscellaneous 2 cost elements, lower level miscellaneous 2 cost amounts, and the miscellaneous cost amount for any timesheet lines charged to the MO.

Total (Direct)

This field displays the direct total cost, which is the sum of all direct material, labor, subcontract, miscellaneous 1, and miscellaneous 2 cost amounts.


This field displays the total number of labor hours spent on this MO. The system calculates the value in this field by adding together all hours charged to the MO (i.e., all timesheet lines), including all levels of labor and subcontract hours.

Note: The following fields display the inventory burden cost amounts, if applicable, for the MO. The system calculates inventory burden cost amounts by multiplying direct costs by the appropriate burden rate for the inventory cost element account/org. Additional burden amounts may come from lower level components issued to an assembly. Establish burden rate default settings and raw material burden settings in the Inventory Accounts screen in Costpoint Inventory.  Inventory burden rates are calculated by the Compute Inventory Burden Rates screen in Costpoint Cost and Revenue Processing (in the Projects folder).  For additional details regarding the calculation of inventory burden rates, please refer to Inventory Special Topic IN-4, "Applying Burden Rates to Inventory."

Material (Burden)

This field displays the burden material cost.  The system calculates the value in this field in accordance with the Raw Material Burdening setting in the Inventory Accounts screen. For each fiscal year, the system multiplies the MO's direct material cost for that fiscal year by that year's WIP material account/org burden rate. The system then sums the resulting product with all the other years' material burden products for that MO, and adds the MO's lower-level material burden cost amount to the sum.

Labor (Burden)

This field displays the burden labor cost. For each timesheet line that is charged to an MO for a period in a fiscal year, the system sums the labor cost amount and multiplies the result by the MO's WIP labor account/org burden rate for that year. The program then sums the resulting product with all the other years’ labor burden products for that MO and adds the MO's lower-level labor burden cost amount to the sum.

Subcontract (Burden)

This field displays the burden subcontract cost. For each fiscal year, the system multiplies the direct subcontract cost for that fiscal year and MO by the MO's WIP subcontract account/org burden rate for that year. The program then sums the resulting product with all the other years' subcontract burden products for that MO and adds the MO's lower-level subcontract burden cost amount to the sum.

Misc 1 (Burden)

This field displays the burden miscellaneous 1 cost. For each fiscal year, the system sums the direct Misc 1 cost for that fiscal year and MO with the sum of all labor cost amounts (timesheet lines) that were charged to the MO for the fiscal year. The system multiplies the total by that MO's WIP Misc 1 account/org burden rate for the year. The program then sums the resulting product with all the other years' Misc 1 burden products for that MO and adds the MO's lower-level Misc 1 burden cost amount to the sum.

Misc 2 (Burden)

This field displays the burden miscellaneous 2 cost. For each fiscal year, the system sums the direct Misc 2 cost for that fiscal year and MO with the sum of all labor cost amounts (timesheet lines) that were charged to the MO for the fiscal year. The system multiplies the total by that MO's WIP Misc 2 account/org burden rate for the year. The program then sums the resulting product with all the other years' Misc 2 burden products for that MO and adds the MO's lower-level Misc 2 burden cost amount to the sum.

Total (Burden)

This field displays the total burden cost, which is the sum of all burden material, labor, subcontract, miscellaneous 1, and miscellaneous 2 cost amounts.

MO Relieved Costs

Cost amounts display in this group box once the MO is relieved in the Relieve Manufacturing Orders screen. The Burden fields listed below are calculated similarly to the corresponding Burden fields mentioned above.

Material (Direct)

This field displays the direct material relieved cost.

Labor (Direct)

This field displays the direct labor relieved cost.

Subcontract (Direct)

This field displays the direct subcontract relieved cost.

Misc 1 (Direct)

This field displays the direct miscellaneous 1 relieved cost.

Misc 2 (Direct)

This field displays the direct miscellaneous 2 relieved cost.

Total (Direct)

This field displays the direct relieved total cost.

Material (Burden)

This field displays the burden material relieved cost.

Labor (Burden)

This field displays the burden labor relieved cost.

Subcontract (Burden)

The burden subcontract relieved cost is displayed in this field.

Misc 1 (Burden)

The burden miscellaneous 1 relieved cost is displayed in this field.

Misc 2 (Burden)

The burden miscellaneous 2 relieved cost is displayed in this field.

Total (Burden)

The burden relieved total cost is displayed in this field.