Use this subtask to view or modify serial/lot information on this transaction line if the Total Issue Amt on the main screen is negative. This subtask is required only if serial/lot tracking is enabled and the part/project or part master requires serial/lot tracking.


This field displays the part ID being issued to the MO. The description of the part displays below this field.


The revision level being issued to the MO is displayed in this field.


The unit of measure of the part being issued to the MO is displayed in this field.

Tracking Requirements

Tracking requirements are established in the Tracking Required group box in the Basic Part Data or Maintain Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.


This field contains "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) depending on whether or not lot tracking is required. 


This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No), depending on whether or not serial tracking is required.


This field displays the warehouse in which the selected MO is being built.


This field defaults the From Project ID from the main screen in which the material is being issued.

Inv Abbrev

This field defaults the inventory abbreviation code from the main screen in which the material is being issued.

Transaction Quantity

This field displays the current transaction quantity issued to the MO based on the Issued Quantity in the main screen.

Table Window

Serial Number

If serial tracking is required for this part, the serial number will be displayed. Otherwise, this field will be hidden.

Lot Number

If lot tracking is required for this part, the lot number will be displayed. Otherwise, this field will be hidden.


This field displays the serial/lot quantity assigned to the line.

Vendor Warranty Exp Date

The field displays the date the vendor's warranty will expire for the serial/lot.

Shelf Life Exp Date

This field displays the shelf life expiration date for the serial/lot.

Order Type

This field displays "P" if the serial/lot is associated with a purchase order number, or "M" if associated with a manufacturing order.


This field displays the MO or PO number against which the serial/lot was originally received.


This field displays the release number against which the serial/lot was originally received.


This field displays the PO line number against which the serial/lot was originally received.


The ID of the manufacturer who created the serial/lot is displayed in this field.

Manufacturer Name

The name of the manufacturer is displayed in this field.

Manufacturer Part

The manufacturer part number for the serial/lot is displayed in this field.

Manuf Rev

This field displays the manufacturer revision number for this serial/lot.


This field displays the ID of the vendor who supplied the serial/lot.

Vendor Name

This field displays the name of the vendor.

Vendor Part

The vendor part number for the serial/lot is displayed in this field.

Vend Rev

The vendor revision number for the serial/lot is displayed in this field.

Manuf/Vendor Serial Number

This field displays the manufacturer/vendor serial number for the part.

Manuf/Vendor Lot Number

This field displays the manufacturer/vendor lot number for the part.


This field displays any free-form text associated with the serial/lot number.

User-Defined Field 1

This field displays additional information required for the first user-defined field, the column title of which defaults from the Serial/Lot User-Defined Labels screen in Costpoint Inventory.

User-Defined Field 2

This field displays additional information required for the second user-defined field, which is established in the Serial/Lot User-Defined Labels screen in Costpoint Inventory.

User-Defined Field 3

This field displays additional information required for the third user-defined field, which is established in the Serial/Lot User-Defined Labels screen in Costpoint Inventory.

User-Defined Field 4

This field displays additional information required for the fourth user-defined field, which is established in the Serial/Lot User-Defined Labels screen in Costpoint Inventory.

User-Defined Field 5

This field displays additional information required for the fifth user-defined field, which is established in the Serial/Lot User-Defined Labels screen in Costpoint Inventory.


This field displays the BOM configuration ID used to build the serial/lot.


This field displays a valid routing number for the item that is used when building this serial/lot.

Effectivity Date

This field displays the bill of material "as-of" date that is used when building this serial/lot.

Vendor Warranty

This field displays the code for the type of warranty provided by the vendor.

Vendor Warranty Start Date

This field displays the date on which the vendor's warranty began for this serial/lot.

Customer Warranty

This field displays the code for the type of warranty provided to the customer.

Cust Warranty Start Date

This field displays the date on which the customer's warranty began for this serial/lot.

Cust Warranty Exp Date

This field displays the date on which the customer's warranty will expire for this serial/lot.

Sales Order Tag

This field displays the sales order tag number for this serialized item.

Maintenance Purchased

This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the customer has purchased maintenance for this item.

Maintenance Sales Order

This field displays the sales order number for the maintenance provided to the customer.

Maintenance SO Release

This field displays the sales order release for the maintenance provided to the customer.

Maintenance SO Line

This field displays the sales order line for the maintenance provided to the customer.