Use this subtask to view or modify cost element information on this transaction line. This subtask is not available if Cost Suppression is in effect (i.e., the Suppress Cost checkbox is selected in the table window of the Maintain Users screen in Costpoint System Administration).


This field displays the part ID being issued to the MO.


This field displays the revision level of the part ID. A description of the part is displayed in the field following the revision level.


This field displays the project number. The project description is displayed in the following field.

Cost Method

This field displays the cost method being used.

Direct Cost Elements


The direct material unit cost is displayed in this field.


The direct labor unit cost is displayed in this field.


The direct subcontract unit cost is displayed in this field.

Misc 1

This field displays the miscellaneous 1 direct unit cost.

Misc 2

This field displays the miscellaneous 2 direct unit cost.

Burden Cost Elements


This field displays the burden material unit cost.


This field displays the burden labor unit cost.


This field displays the burden subcontract unit cost.

Misc 1

The burden miscellaneous 1 unit cost is displayed in this field.

Misc 2

The burden miscellaneous 2 unit cost is displayed in this field.

Total Unit Cost

The total of all cost elements entered is displayed as the total unit cost for this part. This figure is also displayed in the Unit Cost field on the main screen.