Use this subtask to view or modify the component/subassembly requirements for the selected MO.


This field displays the manufacturing order ID.


This field displays the type of the manufacturing order.


This field displays the current status of the manufacturing order.

Build Part

This field displays the part ID for which the MO was created. A description of the part displays in the untitled field below this field.


This field displays the part's revision level.


This field displays the part's unit of measure.

Subassy Inv Abbrev

This field displays the default subassembly inventory abbreviation from which the MO pulls subassemblies and other make parts. You can edit this field.

RM Inv Abbrev

This field displays the default raw material inventory abbreviation from which the MO pulls buy parts. You can edit this field.

CS Inv Abbrev

This field displays the default common stock inventory abbreviation from which the MO pulls common stock parts. You can edit this field.

Build Quantity

This field displays the quantity of parts to be built with the MO. If you change the Total MO Build Qty (in the main screen) after generating requirements, you have the option to recalculate the requirement/reservation quantities for the listed component parts. If you choose to do so, the following fields are updated for any MO requirement rows where the quantity type is A (Per Assembly):  Required Quantity, Inv Reservation Quantity, Issued Quantity, and Total Reserved Quantity.

Assembly Qty to Issue

This field displays the quantity of assemblies that are pulled each time a pick list is printed. The default quantity is the MO build quantity. It can be modified.


This field displays the inventory reservation ID for the components/subassemblies requirements. This field is disabled if reservations have been generated for the MO.

Show Only Open Inventory Parts

Select this check box to show only requirements with open reserved inventory quantities. If this check box is cleared, all requirements lines for the MO are displayed.

Table Window

Line No

This field displays the component line number of the material requirement. You can edit this field only if you selected the Allow Full Changes on MO BOM Components check box in the Production Control Settings (Materials » Production Control » Production Controls) screen.

Find No

This field displays the component find number of the material requirement. You can edit this field only if you selected the Allow Full Changes on MO BOM Components check box in the  Production Control Settings (Materials » Production Control » Production Controls) screen.

Component Part

This field displays the part ID of the material requirement. You can edit this field only if you selected the Allow Full Changes on MO BOM Components check box in the Production Control Settings (Materials » Production Control » Production Controls) screen.

Comp Rev

This field displays the part revision of the material requirement. You can edit this field only if you selected the Allow Full Changes on MO BOM Components check box in the Production Control Settings (Materials » Production Control » Production Controls) screen.


This field displays the description of the requirement part.

Inv U/M

This field displays the unit of measure of the requirement part.


This field displays the M (Make) or B (Buy) status of the requirement part.

Comp Type

This field displays the component type: B (Buy w/component), S (Standard), P (Phantom), R (Reference), or T (Tool). If you use the Auto-Load feature, the component type is taken from the bill of material. Otherwise, it is taken from the Basic Part Data (Materials » Product Definition » Part Master) screen.

Inv Abbrev

Enter, or use the binoculars   icon to select, the inventory abbreviation. This field displays the inventory abbreviation from which the material requirement is pulled. This field can be modified.  This is required if the Inv Reservation Quantity is greater than zero. This field should be blank for a non-inventory component line. The inventory abbreviation's project should allow issues to the build-to inventory abbreviation's projects (this is set up in the Inventory Projects (Materials » Inventory » Controls) screen).

Qty Type

This field displays the required quantity type of the component: A (Per Assembly), R (As Required), or O (Per Order).

Required Quantity

This field displays the total required quantity for this component/subassembly part on the MO. This quantity can be edited. Changes made to the Required Quantity field automatically update the Inv Reservation Quantity and Quantity To Issue fields.  The requirement quantity is unchanged by inventory issues. If a component has a Qty Type of R (As-Required), Required Quantity is set to zero. If a component has a Qty Type of O, Required Quantity is equal to Order Quantity.  Build quantity or cumulative quantities (for various BOM levels) have no affect. Tooling and reference component types, non-inventory parts, floor stock parts, and backflush parts are included in Required Quantity.

Inv Reservation Quantity

This field displays the inventory reservation quantity for this component part on the MO. It is the amount of inventory that still needs to be issued to meet the MO requirements. This field can be edited. When a MO is created, the inventory reservation equals the required quantity, unless the component/part type excludes it from being set up as an inventory reservation. If you use the Auto-Load feature, this field defaults to the Required Quantity for the component line except when it is a floor stock part. You can change this reserved quantity, but the value cannot be less than the Quantity To Issue. As MO issues are made, the Inv Reservation Quantity is correspondingly reduced. If you change the Required Quantity, the Inv Reservation Quantity changes automatically. Tooling and reference component types, non-inventory parts, and non-inventory floor stock parts are not included in Inv Reservation Quantity. Backflush parts are included. You can enter inventory floor stock parts manually.

Issued Quantity

This field displays the current issued quantity for this component part on the MO. This field cannot be edited.

Quantity To Issue

This field displays the part's quantity to issue on each pick list of the MO. This field can be edited. Usually this amount equals the Inv Reservation Quantity. However, if you intend to split up issues to a MO to do partial builds and/or plan for scrap loss (without including anticipated scrap on pick lists), this amount could be less than the Inv Reservation Quantity. As parts are issued to a MO, the Quantity To Issue is reduced correspondingly. It can never exceed the Inv Reservation Quantity for the same requirement line. Tooling and reference component types, non-inventory parts, non-inventory floor stock parts, and backflush parts are not included. You can enter inventory floor stock parts manually.

Need Date

This field displays the date this component needs to be issued to the MO. This field can be edited. This date cannot be earlier than the overall MO planned release date, which is also the default to this field.

Comp Rel

This field displays the release status of the component part in the BOM. This defaults to Y if a requirement line is manually entered.

Scrap Percent

This field displays the scrap percentage associated with the component part. If the Auto-load feature is used, the scrap percentage is taken from the component information in Costpoint Bills of Material (Materials » Bills of Material » Bills of Material Controls). Otherwise, it is taken from the Planning Part Data (Materials » Product Definition » Part Master) screen.

Common Stock

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not this is a common stock part.

Backflush Location

This field displays the inventory location from which this backflush part is pulled. If the part is a backflush part, loading a location causes backflush to occur. If the Auto-load feature is used, the backflush location is imported from Costpoint Bills Of Material (the BOM backflush warehouse ID must equal MO warehouse ID). If this is blank, or if a match is not found, the backflush location then defaults from the preferred inventory location ID (the Part Project Data (Materials » Product Definition » Part Master) screen) for the Build-To Project (the Preferred Warehouse ID in the Part Project Data screen must equal the MO warehouse ID). If this field is blank, or if a match is not found, the backflush location then defaults from default Warehouse Location in the Planning Part Data (Materials » Product Definition » Part Master) screen (the default Warehouse ID in the Planning Part Data screen must equal the MO Warehouse ID). If this field is blank, or if a match is still not found, you must enter the backflush location manually.

Floor Stock

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the part is a floor stock part. Floor stock parts are generally not included on pick lists.

Work Center

To modify this field, manually enter the work center or use to select one. This field displays the work center where this part is consumed on the MO. If you use the Auto-load feature, the work center defaults from the Component subtasks of the Maintain MBOM and Release MBOM (Materials » Bills of Material » Manufacturing Bills of Material) screens.

Commodity Code

This field displays the commodity code ID assigned to this part.


This field displays the planner ID assigned to this component part/inventory abbreviation combination, based on your selection in the Planner Assignment group box in the Production Control Settings (Materials » Production Control » Production Controls) screen. If planner assignment is by Part, the planner defaults from the Planning Part Data (Materials » Product Definition » Part Master) screen. If planner assignment is by Inventory Project, the planner defaults from the Inventory Projects (Materials » Inventory » Controls) screen. If planner assignment is by Netting Group, the planner defaults from the Netting Groups (Materials » Production Control » Production Controls) screen using the netting group from the inventory abbreviation's project. If planner assignment is by Commodity, the planner defaults from the Commodity Codes (Materials » Product Definition » Product Definition Controls) screen using the commodity code for the part from the Basic Part Data (Materials » Product Definition » Part Master) screen.

Net Avail Quantity

This field displays the net available quantity for this part and inventory abbreviation. Net Avail Quantity is equal to the sum of quantities on hand, in inspection, in shipping, on order, requisitions, owed, planned owed, and MRB (only if you selected the Incl MRB as Available Inventory check box in the Production Control Settings (Materials » Production Control » Production Controls) screen) MINUS reserved and planned reserved quantities.

Cur Avail Quantity

This field displays the current available quantity for this part and inventory abbreviation, based on on-hand quantity plus in inspection quantity minus reserved quantities.

In-Insp Quantity

This field displays the in-inspection quantity for this part and inventory abbreviation. Enter, or use to select, an in-inspection quantity by warehouse and location for this part/inventory abbreviation. Entered data is not saved.

On Hand Quantity

Enter, or use to select, a warehouse location that has quantities of this component on-hand.

Order Quantity

This field displays the total quantity on order for this part and inventory abbreviation.

PO Quantity

Enter, or use to select, an open PO line for this part/inventory abbreviation. Open quantity = order quantity - received quantity + reject/replace quantity. Data can only be used as a reference in this field and cannot be saved.

MO Quantity 

Enter, or use to select, an open MO allocation line for this part/inventory abbreviation. The open quantity equals build quantity minus completed quantity. Data can only be used as a reference in this field and cannot be saved.

Req Quantity

Enter, or use to select, an open requisition line for this part/inventory abbreviation. Open quantity = Requisition quantity - generated quantity. This field displays the open requisition (status of Pending, In Approval, and Approved) quantity for this part. Data can only be used as a reference in this field and cannot be saved.

Total Reserved Quantity

This field displays the total reserved quantity for this part. Enter, or use to select, a current reservation for this part/inventory abbreviation. Data can only be used as a reference in this field, and cannot be saved.

Substitute Part

Use to review all parts that can be substituted for the specified required part. This search function lists substitute parts from the Substitute Project Parts subtask of the Part Project Data (Materials » Product Definition » Part Master) screen for the build-to inventory abbreviation's project. If this is not available, the search function lists substitute parts from the Substitute Parts (Materials » Product Definition » Part Master) screen. The part/revision that you select using the search function is used to replace the existing component part/revision.

Inv Expediting Notes

This pop-up text box displays any expediting notes that apply to the component part/inventory abbreviation. The notes can be edited.

Need Date

This field displays the date by which the required quantity is needed.


Click this button to have the system load material requirements from the BOM. If you use the Auto-Load function when there are existing requirements on the MO, you have the option of replacing any existing requirements with the BOM components or adding the components to the existing requirements.

The Auto-Load function only loads those components with a starting effectivity date that is earlier than, or the same as, the as-of date, and an ending effectivity date (if not blank) later than the as-of date.

If you enter a configuration for the MO, the Auto-Load function imports only those components (for each line number) that call out the configuration ID, in the absence of which it imports the component with no configuration ID (but having the same line number); if this does not exist, nothing is imported for that BOM line number.

The Auto-Load function does not generate requirements if the BOM status of the build part is Unreleased.

The Auto-Load function generates requirements for one or more levels, depending on Levels of Explosion specified in the Enter Manufacturing Orders (Materials » Production Control » Manufacturing Orders) screen. If the number is greater than 1, the system produces a summarized BOM listing of components, ignoring all subassemblies not on the lowest level (but not ignoring their quantity per as a multiplier). If component Qty Type is A (Per Assembly), the quantity per is multiplied out by all intermediate subassembly quantities for the selected end item to determine the cumulative quantity per. If component Qty Type is O (Per Order), such cumulative quantity calculations are not done. If component Qty Type is R (As Required), all quantities are zero.

Component and part types affect what is loaded during the Auto-Load function. Tooling and reference component types are included in Required Quantity but not in Inv Reservation Quantity or Quantity To Issue. Phantom components are not included in the requirement, but the phantom's components are included, even if the components are one level lower than the level of explosion specified (assuming that the phantom is at the lowest level specified). Components for which the Omit Requirement check box has been selected in the Component subtask of the Maintain MBOM (Materials » Bills of Material » Manufacturing Bills of Material) screen are not included, nor are their components.

Components for which the Stop Explosion check box has been selected in the Component subtask in the Maintain MBOM (Materials » Bills of Material » Manufacturing Bills of Material) screen are included, but their components are not included.

Unreleased components are not included.

Non-inventory parts are included in the Required Quantity, but not in the Inv Reservation Quantity or Quantity To Issue.

Non-inventory floor stock parts are included in Required Quantity, but not in Inv Reservation Quantity or Quantity To Issue. You can manually enter values in these fields and create reservations for inventory floor stock parts by entering an associated inventory abbreviation.

Backflush parts are included in the Required Quantity and Inv Reservation Quantity, but not in the Quantity To Issue.

The Auto-Load function considers scrap and yield percentages to calculate requirement and reservation quantities (but not necessarily the Quantity To Issue) if you selected the Incl Scrap/Yield % in MO Requirements check box or the Incl Scrap/Yield % in Planning Process check box in the Production Control Settings (Materials » Production Control » Production Controls) screen.