Use this subtask to view PO lines for inventory parts that tie to the selected MO requirements or order reference number. Select the Execute pushbutton to populate the table window. The program will load all PO lines that have an inventory abbreviation and meet the selection criteria. If you select the Requirements radio button in the Select By group box, the program will pull the PO lines that match the parts on the inventory requirements of the selected MO. If you select the Requirements/Inv Abbrev radio button, the program will pull the PO lines whose parts and inventory abbreviations match the requirements of the selected MO. If you select the Order Ref radio button, the program will pull the PO lines with the same order reference number as the order reference number in the header of the screen. Only non-voided PO lines will be displayed. If you select the Show Only Open/Pending PO Lines checkbox, the program will also exclude any lines with a status of "Closed" or "System-Closed." The default sort of the PO lines is by requirement line number/find number and part.
You cannot edit PO information on this screen.
This field displays the manufacturing order ID.
This field displays the name of the planner responsible for the MO.
This field displays the current status of the manufacturing order.
This field displays the part ID for which the MO was created. A description of the part displays below this field.
This field displays the part's revision level.
This field displays the build project ID of the MO allocation for the manufacturing order. The corresponding project abbreviation and project names display in the untitled adjacent fields.
This field displays the order reference number for which this MO is being built. This field will display the MO ID if the Order Reference field is blank in the main screen. Otherwise, you can modify this field in the Header subtask of the Enter Manufacturing Orders screen.
This field displays the type of the order reference for which this MO is being built.
This field displays the netting group of the build project.
Select this radio button to load the PO lines that have parts/revisions that match the component parts/revisions on the inventory requirements of the selected MO.
Select this radio button to load the PO lines that have a part/revision/inventory abbreviation that matches the component part/revision/inventory abbreviation on the inventory requirements of the selected MO.
Select this radio button to load the PO lines that have order reference numbers that match the order reference number in the header.
Select this checkbox to view only those PO lines with a status of "Pending" or "Open." If you select this checkbox, lines with a status of "Closed" and "System Closed" will not be displayed. Voided lines are not displayed.
The requirement line for the MO is displayed in this column.
The find number for the corresponding MO requirement line is displayed in this column.
This column displays the part ID of the PO line.
This column displays the part's revision level.
This column displays the part/revision description.
This column displays the purchasing unit of measure for the PO line.
This column displays the quantity (in PO unit of measure) on the PO line that has yet to be received. Open Qty is equal to Order Qty plus any rejected or replaced quantity (Rejected Qty or Replaced Qty in PO unit of measure from the Receive Purchase Order screen in Costpoint Receiving) minus Received Qty.
This column displays the delivery date of the part from the vendor.
This column displays the purchase order ID
This column displays the release number of the purchase order. It is "0" for standard POs. Blanket POs can have various release numbers.
This column displays the change order number of the PO.
This column displays the name of the vendor to whom this PO has been issued.
This column displays the address associated with the vendor.
This column displays the buyer assigned to the PO.
This column displays the line number of this line within the purchase order.
This column displays the status of the PO line. Possible values are "P" (Pending), "O" (Open), "C" (Closed), and "S" (System Closed). Lines with a status of "V" (Void) are never included. You cannot edit this column.
This column displays the inventory abbreviation for which this inventory part has been ordered.
This column displays the description of the inventory abbreviation on the line.
This column displays the project ID associated with the inventory abbreviation on the line.
This column displays the netting group of the project on the line.
This column displays the order number for which this part is ordered.
This column displays the type of order reference (Sales/Manufacturing) for which this part is ordered.
This column displays the quantity order on the PO line (in PO unit of measure).
This column displays the quantity received on the PO line (in PO unit of measure).
This column displays the quantity accepted on the PO line (in PO unit of measure).
This column displays the date the part on the PO line is desired by the requester.
This column displays expediting notes related to the PO that were entered in the Maintain PO Expediting Notes screen in Costpoint Purchasing. To view all the expedite notes, place your cursor in this field and a drop-down box will display with the notes in it.
This column displays the date that the vendor originally promised to deliver the part(s) on the PO line.
This column displays the ID of the planner assigned to the PO line.
Select this pushbutton to load the PO lines based on the selection criteria.