Use this screen to add and update non-labor costs charged to a specific Manufacturing Order (MO) by fiscal year. Any costs added to an MO using this screen will not be posted to the general ledger, but the additional costs will be moved to inventory when the MO part is relieved. Use Find or Query to bring up existing costs for a combination of MO and fiscal year.

Use this screen to manually add costs directly to specific MOs per fiscal year.

Manufacturing Order

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the MO ID to which you want to add costs. The system will display a warning if the entered MO has a status of "Closed" or "Completed."


This displays the status of the selected MO. It cannot be edited.

Fiscal Year

Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, the fiscal year to which the costs will be charged.

Build Part

This non-editable field displays the ID of the part being built on the selected MO. The untitled field below this field contains a description of the part.


This non-editable field displays the revision level of the build part.

Build Quantity

This non-editable field displays the total quantity to be built on the selected MO.

Completed Quantity

This non-editable field displays the total quantity completed on the selected MO.

Fiscal Year Amounts

Use this group box to view or enter the non-labor costs incurred for the MO in the selected fiscal year. These fields default when you make selections in the Manufacturing Order and Fiscal Year fields. Enter the amount to which the MO costs will be changed (not changed by) for the selected fiscal year. The system calculates the difference between previous cost and new cost for every adjustment made and keeps track of the cumulative manual adjustments made for each cost element and fiscal year.

Material Cost

Enter the material cost amount to be charged, in the selected fiscal year, to this MO. This amount must be positive.

Subcontract Cost

Enter the subcontract cost amount to be charged, in the selected fiscal year, to this MO. This amount must be positive.

Misc 1 Cost (Excluding Labor)

Enter the miscellaneous 1 non-labor cost amount to be charged, in the selected fiscal year, to this MO. This amount must be positive.

Misc 2 Cost (Excluding Labor)

Enter the miscellaneous 2 non-labor cost amount to be charged, in the selected fiscal year, to this MO. This amount must be positive.

Total Non-Labor Cost

The field displays the total of all non-labor costs charged, in the selected fiscal year, to this MO.

MO Total Amounts

This group box displays the total non-labor costs incurred for the MO for all fiscal years. These fields load when you select an MO in the Manufacturing Order field. Modifications made in the Fiscal Year Amounts group box are reflected in the corresponding fields of this group box.

Material Cost

This field displays the total material cost amount charged to the selected MO.

Subcontract Cost

This field displays the total subcontract cost amount charged to the selected MO.

Misc 1 Cost (Excluding Labor)

This field displays the total miscellaneous 1 non-labor cost amount charged to the selected MO.

Misc 2 Cost (Excluding Labor)

This field displays the total miscellaneous 2 non-labor cost amount charged to the selected MO.

Total Non-Labor Cost

The field displays the total of all non-labor costs charged to the selected MO.