Use this subtask to view any optional line charges that may have been entered for the selected sales order line. The fields in this subtask default from the Line Charges subtask of the Enter Sales Orders screen.
This field displays the sales order ID for the selected line.
This field displays the sales order release number for the selected line.
This field displays the sales order line type: "DRP" (Dropshipment), "INO" (Invoice Only), "INT" (In-Transit), "INV" (Inventory), "MSC" (Miscellaneous), or "REC" (Recurring).
This field displays a miscellaneous charge type code for miscellaneous sales order lines ("MSC" line types). Create and define these codes in the Sales Order Line Charge Types screen.
This field displays the sales order line number for the selected line.
This field displays the Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) for the selected line.
These fields display the identification number, latest revision number, and description of the item selected on the sales order line.
These fields display the miscellaneous line charge type code referenced on the sales order line and its description.
This field displays the dollar amount of the miscellaneous charge on the sales order line.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not the line charge is taxable.
This field displays the sales tax/VAT amount for the line charge when the Taxable column is set to "Y" (Yes). The calculation is as follows: Amount times the associated Sales Tax/VAT Rate that is assigned to SO line's Sales/VAT Tax Code.
This non-editable field displays the default transactional currency of the sales order line item. If you are using Costpoint Multicurrency, all applicable column headers will contain the prefix "Trans Currency," indicating the amount in transaction currency.
This non-editable field displays the amount of the sales order line item in the assigned transactional currency.
If the sales order line item is taxable, this non-editable field displays the sales tax/VAT amount for the in the assigned transaction currency.