Use this subtask to view more details regarding the origin of a selected serial/lot row. Use it whenever you need details regarding the origin of a serial/lot row.


This field displays the part number for the selected serial/lot row in the main screen.


This field displays the revision of the part number for the selected serial/lot row in the main screen.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure of the part/revision for the selected serial/lot row.


This field displays whether the part/revision for the selected serial/lot row is a manufactured or a purchased item.


This field displays the internal serial number of the selected serial/lot row.


This field displays the internal lot number of the selected serial/lot row.

Manuf/Vend Serial

This field displays the external (manufacturer/vendor) serial number of the displayed internal serial/lot.

Manuf/Vend Lot

This field displays the external (manufacturer/vendor) lot number of the displayed internal serial/lot.


Order Type

This field displays "P" if serial/lot originated from a Purchase order, and "M" if it originated from a Manufacturing order.


This field displays the number of the purchase order or manufacturing order from which the serial/lot originated.


This field displays the release number of the purchase order from which the serial/lot originated.


This field displays the line number of the purchase order from which the serial/lot originated.

Inv Trans Type

This field displays the transaction type from which the serial/lot originated.


This field displays the warehouse from which the serial/lot originated.


This field displays the transaction ID from which the serial/lot originated.


This field displays the transaction line number from which the serial/lot originated.

Entry Date/Time

This field displays the date and time of the transaction from which the serial/lot originated.

Entry User

This field displays the user ID of the person who entered the transaction from which the serial/lot originated.

Total Qty

This field displays the total quantity involved in the transaction from which the serial/lot originated.


This field displays any text associated with the transaction from which the serial/lot originated.