Use this subtask to view costs and sales numbers for each line on the sales order.


This field displays the sales order ID for the selected line.


This field displays the sales order release number for the selected line.


This field displays the sales order line type: "DRP" (Drop Shipment), "INO" (Invoice Only), "INT" (In-Transit), "INV" (Inventory), "MSC" (Miscellaneous), or "REC" (Recurring).

Misc Type

This field displays a miscellaneous charge type code for miscellaneous sales order lines ("MSC" line types). Create and define these codes in the Sales Order Line Charge Types screen.


This field displays the sales order line number for the selected line.


This field displays the Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) for the selected line.

Item, Rev

These fields display the identification number, revision, and description of the item selected on the sales order line.

Quantity Ordered

This field displays the number of items ordered.


Use this group box to view costs and sales information after the invoice has been created.

Material Unit Cost

This field displays the dollar amount of all material unit costs for items invoiced.

Material Extended Cost

This field displays the dollar amount of all material extended costs for items invoiced for that line.

Labor Unit Cost

The system automatically calculates the labor unit cost by adding all timesheet entries for that sales order line and dividing the total labor cost per line by the quantity invoiced.

Labor Extended Cost

The system automatically calculates the labor cost by adding all timesheet entries for that sales order line.

Subcontract Unit Cost

The system calculates the subcontract cost by adding all type "C" entries from the sales order line and dividing the total subcontract cost per line by the quantity invoices.

Subcontract Extended Cost

The system calculates the subcontract cost by adding all type "C" entries from the sales order line.

Other Unit Cost

The system calculates the other cost by adding all type "O" entries from the sales order line and dividing the total other cost by the quantity invoiced.

Other Extended Cost

The system calculates the other cost by adding all type "O" entries from the sales order line.

Total Cost/Unit Cost

This field displays the total of material, labor, subcontract, and other costs.

Total Cost/Extended Cost

This field displays the total of extended material, labor, subcontract, and other costs.

Quantity Invoiced

This field displays the number of items that have been invoiced.

Gross Unit Price

This field displays the gross unit price of the item selected on the sales order line.


This field displays a volume discount (if one is given), expressed as a percentage, for the item selected on the sales order line.

Net Unit Price

This field displays the net unit price (gross unit price - volume discount) of the item on the sales order line.

Total Sales

This field displays the total of all invoices against the sales order for all lines (Quantity Invoiced times Net Unit Price amount).

Gross Profit/Loss

The system calculates the gross profit/loss by subtracting Total Cost/Extended Cost from Total Sales.

Gross Profit Margin

The system calculates the gross profit margin by dividing the Gross Profit/Loss by Total Sales.

Line Charges

This field displays the total of all sales order line charges for items invoiced plus any miscellaneous sales order lines that have been invoiced.

Total Sales/Line Charges

The system calculates the total sales/line charges by adding all total sales for items invoiced plus line charges for all invoices against the sales order for all lines.

Gross Profit/Loss

The system calculates the gross profit/loss by subtracting the Total Cost/Extended Cost from Total Sales/Line Charges.

Gross Profit/Margin

The system calculates the gross profit/margin by dividing the gross profit/loss by total sales/line charges.

Invoice Detail

Select this pushbutton to view the sales order line's invoicing information, which includes invoice dates, packing slip numbers, line charges, and A/R information and issues.

Issue Detail

Select this pushbutton to view the sales order line's issue information related to the selected sales order line including issue dates, packing slip numbers, and material handlers.

Labor Detail

Use this pushbutton to view the sales order line's labor and timesheet information.

Subc Detail

Use this pushbutton to view the sales order line's subcontract and other costs.