Use this subtask to view all of the detailed activity and information about the invoice and payments made regarding a particular invoice.



This field displays this invoice number for the selected sales order.

Invc Date

This field displays the date on which the sales order line item was invoiced.

Due Date

This field displays the date by which the sales order line item has been promised to the customer.

Late Days

 If the customer is late with paying the invoice, this field displays the number of late days.

Invc Amt

This field displays the dollar amount on the invoice.

Disc Amt

This field displays the discount amount, if one is given, for the item selected on the sales order line.

Disc Taken Amt

This field displays the discount taken amount, if one is given, for the item selected on the sales order line.

Recpt Amt

This field displays the amount of payment received for this invoice.

Bal Due

The system calculates the balance due by adding the amount received and the discount taken and subtracting the result from the invoice amount.

Table Window

Receipt Date

This field displays the date on which payment was received.

Fiscal Year

This field displays the fiscal year in which the voucher for the invoice was posted.

Period No

This field displays the period in which the voucher for the invoice was posted.

Subperiod No

This field displays the subperiod in which the voucher for the invoice was posted.

Journal Code

This field displays the journal code assigned to this transaction.

Posting Sequence No

This field displays the sequence number assigned to the invoice by the Sales Order journal posting process.

Invoice Date

This field displays the date on which the sales order line item was invoiced.

Invoice Amount

This field displays the dollar amount on the invoice.

Liquidation Amount

This field displays the liquidation amounts paid by the customer against the Sales Order Invoice.

Liquidation Taken Amt

This field displays the liquidation taken when cash was received. This value differs from the liquidation amount only when the payment of an invoice has been adjusted to reflect a different liquidation amount than invoiced.

Discount Amount

This field displays the discount amount, if one is given, for the item selected on the sales order line.

Discount Taken Amt

This field displays the discount taken amount, if one is given, for the sales order line.

Receipt Date

This field displays the date payment is received for this invoice.

Receipt Amount

This field displays the amount received for this invoice.

Check No

This field displays the check number of the cash receipt.

Due Date

This field displays the date on which payment is due.

Transaction Description

This field displays the transaction description from the sales order journal.