Use this screen to print and post sales order transactions to the general ledger by accounting period and subperiod. The posting process updates a number of tables, including the general ledger summary and detail tables, the accounts receivable header and detail tables, and the project billing history. The application generates the sales order journal entries using the selected Revenue Recognition method and the sales order Line Type. For example, all cost-of-sales entries for "INV" (Inventory) items are posted to the ledger through the inventory journal, and for "DRP" (Dropshipment), "INT" (In-Transit), "REC" (Recurring), and "INO" (Invoice-Only) items, the order entry journal produces the necessary cost-of-sales entries.
You must print transactions before you can post them. The posting process updates all fields in the Accounts Receivable Detail History and Accounts Receivable Invoice tables in both transactional and functional currency, if required. The Sales Order journal itself prints in functional currency only. You cannot post invoices that have a status of Hold in the Maintain Invoices screen or the Invoice Supervisor Screen.
Use this screen to post sales order invoices from a selected fiscal year, accounting period, and range of subperiods. After you have successfully posted, the Invoice Header subtask of the Maintain Invoices screen is updated with the fiscal year, accounting period, subperiod, and a posting sequence number. You can view posted invoices and unposted invoices in the Maintain Invoices screen; however, you cannot modify posted invoices.
Use the Post Sales Order Journal process to update the accounts receivable history with detailed billing data for each sales order invoice. The system assigns sales order invoices a billing type of S (Standard) when the invoice has been set up for the following Revenue Recognition methods: "Shipment/Sales," "Unbilled A/R," and "Deferred Revenue." The invoices are assigned a billing type of D for the "Liquidation" Revenue Recognition method.
Sales Order issue cost corrections can be posted via either the Post Invoice or the Post Component COGS Corrections option, but not both. Users can directly move costs of secondary issues via Post Invoice (if a subsequent invoice is created) without having to post them separately. Users must use Post Component COGS Corrections posting if they don’t intend to create an invoice afterward.
Run this process after you have reviewed the sales order invoices.
When you enter an invoice, it is assigned a fiscal year, period, and subperiod, in the Period group box in the Invoice Header subtask in the Maintain Invoices screen. The application uses the period and subperiod(s) chosen to select applicable sales order invoices that you may enter in the Select Invoices group box. The system verifies that the invoice has not been previously posted and provides a warning message if there are open periods (or subperiods) before the selected range.
Use this drop-down list to specify the fiscal year to post.
Use this drop-down list to specify the period to post. The ending date for the period displays in the adjacent field.
Select the range of subperiods to include in the posting process. The options in this drop-down list include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default value is All.
Enter, or use to select, a valid starting subperiod
for the option selected in the Range
Option drop-down list. The adjacent field displays the ending date
for the subperiod.
Enter, or use to select, a valid ending subperiod for
the option you selected in the Range
Option drop-down box. The adjacent field displays the ending date
for the subperiod.
This field displays a message indicating whether a journal has been printed.
If you choose one or a range of invoices, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod must correspond with those fields in the Period group box in the Invoice Header subtask in the Maintain Invoices screen.
Select the range for posting invoices. The options in this drop-down list include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default value is All.
This field is available if you select One, Range, or To End from the Range Option drop-down list. Enter a single value/ID or the beginning value/ID for the range.
If Post Component COGS Corrections is selected, the Lookup shows only the most recent invoice (based on SO_INVC_LN.TIME_STAMP) of any SO/Line combination that has issues (flagged as OEC – not Posted) that match the FY/Pd/Subperiod combination selected on the screen.
This field is available if you selected Range or From Beginning from the Range Option drop-down list. Enter the ending value/ID for the range.
If Post Component COGS Corrections is selected, the shows
only the most recent invoice (based on SO_INVC_LN.TIME_STAMP) of any SO/Line
combination that has issues (flagged as OEC – not Posted) that match the
FY/Pd/Subperiod combination selected on the screen.
Use the options in this group box to post either the invoices or the amortization of deferred revenue.
Select this option to post open invoice amounts for sales order lines.
Select this option to post amortization amounts for sales order invoice lines based on the corresponding amortization schedules previously created for the Fiscal Year/Period/ Subperiod range. Sales order invoice lines that have already been posted or manually closed, as well as invoices that have not been posted, will be excluded from the posting process. Posting updates the General Ledger with a debit to deferred revenue and a credit to recognized (sales) revenue for the amortized amounts of the corresponding SO invoice line and Fiscal Year/Period/ Subperiod range. The application uses charge information for the SO invoice line sales group abbreviation and project.
Select this option to post the cost of issues (made after invoicing) to the Cost of Sales accounts.
This moves the cost of inventory and non-inventory component issues (that were made after the SO line was previously invoiced) to the Cost of Sales account, similar to Post Invoices. It applies to the line types INV, INT and DRP if SO Settings/ Charge Inventory Issues to Clearing Account is selected. It applies only to line types INT and DRP if SO Settings/ Charge Inventory Issues to Clearing Account is cleared, since INV line types are directly posted to Cost of Sales by the Inv Journal Posting routine.
Select this check box to print the Detail Report only.
Click this button on the toolbar to cancel or continue the posting process. This button is available only after you have printed the journal report as part of the current session.
Click this button on the toolbar to print the posting report and initiate the posting process. You can select this option when you first enter this screen. You can cancel or continue the posting process after selecting this option.
A "Do Not Interrupt" message and a tally of processed records display after posting has begun.