Use this screen to assign values to the user-defined fields for each sales order. You must have already established the labels for these user-defined fields in the Sales Order User-Defined Labels screen.
These labels are optional and are completed for any selected sales orders in the Sales Order User-Defined Labels screen. You can also use this screen to view validated text and labels that were entered in the Sales Order User-Defined Labels screen.
You must set up the labels or validated text for user-defined fields in the Sales Order User-Defined Labels screen before they will be available in this screen. Although you can set them up at any time, for more complete sales order information, you should set them up before entering any sales order.
Use Find or Query to retrieve a sales order.
This non-editable field defaults from the Enter Sales Order screen.
This field displays the data type allowed on the Sales Order User-Defined Labels screen. "D" (Date) displays entry of only a date. "N" (Numeric) displays entry of only a number. "T" (Text) displays entry of alphanumeric text.
Only "T" (Text) data types will be allowed if "Y" (Yes) displays in the Validated Text column.
This field displays the row heading, up to 15 alphanumeric characters.
Enter a numeric value that corresponds to the user-defined numeric label selected. If you have entered a numeric label, this is a required field.
This field displays the Costpoint Validation Field selected in the Sales Order User-Defined Labels screen. The Validated Text option cannot be used when this column is active.
This field displays a "Y" (Yes) if entries made for this label will be restricted to specific alphanumeric text. Use the Validated Text subtask of the Sales Order User-Defined Labels screen to create these text items and their descriptions. The Costpoint Validation Field cannot be used for this row when there is a "Y" (Yes) in this column.
This field displays a "Y" (Yes) if this user-defined information will be a required field for this sales order in this screen.