Use this subtask to view non-editable transaction amounts for the line selected on the main screen, in both transaction and functional currencies. If the transaction and functional currencies are the same, this subtask is disabled. Each row in the Line Amounts group box will display for both currencies used.
View transaction amounts in this subtask after entering sales order information in the main screen.
These non-editable fields default from the main screen.
This group box lists displays the line amounts for both transactional and functional currency.
These non-editable fields display the transaction and functional currency for the line item.
These non-editable fields display the gross unit price for the line item.
These non-editable fields display the volume discount for the line item.
These non-editable fields display the net unit price for the line item.
These non-editable fields display the extended price for the line item.
These non-editable fields display the line charge price for the line item.
These non-editable fields display the sales tax/VAT amount for the line item.
These non-editable fields display the total amount for the sales order line.
The conversion rate in the Trans to Func field in the Exchange Rates subtask automatically defaults into this non-editable field to allow you to view the transaction currency for this particular sales order. If you are using Euro currency, this field will display Trans to Euro, and the product of Trans to Euro and Euro to Func exchange rates will display.