Use this subtask to view the issue transactions and related detailed shipping information for each of the invoice line items and to record or associate invoice quantities with related issue transactions. The individual invoice quantities that you enter in this subtask are summed and displayed in the main form of the invoice for "INV" (Inventory), "INT" (Intransit), and "DRP" (Dropshipment) line items.

Invoice, SO, Rel, SO Line, CLIN, Item, Rev

These non-editable fields are populated with values from the main screen.

Table Window


This non-editable field displays the Issue ID entered in the Enter Sales Order Inventory Issues screen and the Enter Sales Order Non-Inventory Issues screen. Issue transactions related to the sales order line that have not been completely invoiced display in this subtask.


This non-editable field displays the warehouse ID entered in the Enter Sales Order Inventory Issues screen and the Enter Sales Order Non-Inventory Issues screen.

Issue Date

This non-editable field displays the issue date entered for any transactions issued on the invoice line.

Component Line

This field displays only if the Issue Components field in the Enter Sales Orders screen is Y (Yes). This field displays the component line number from the Components subtask of the Enter Sales Orders screen.

Component Part

This field displays only if the Issue Components field in the Enter Sales Orders screen is Y (Yes). This field displays the component part from the Components subtask of the Enter Sales Orders screen.


This field displays only if the Issue Components field in the Enter Sales Orders screen is Y (Yes). This field displays the component part revision from the Components subtask of the Enter Sales Orders screen.


This field will display only if the Issue Components field in the Enter Sales Orders screen is "Y" (Yes). This field displays the component description from the Components subtask of the Enter Sales Orders screen.

Component Line Type

This field displays only if the Issue Components field in the Enter Sales Orders screen is Y (Yes). This field displays the component line type from the Components subtask of the Enter Sales Orders screen.


This field displays only if the Issue Components field in the Enter Sales Orders screen is Y (Yes). This field displays the component unit of measure.

Issued Quantity

This non-editable field displays the issued quantity entered on the issue transaction.

Previously Invoiced Qty

This non-editable field displays the system-calculated quantity previously invoiced for the related issue transaction.

Packing Slip

This non-editable field displays the shipping transaction, or packing slip number, on which the issued items were shipped.

Ship Date

This non-editable field displays the ship date entered on the packing slip.

Ship ID

This non-editable field displays the ship ID recorded on the packing slip.

Invoiced Quantity

Enter the invoice quantity for the issue transaction. Invoices automatically generated by the system provide a default invoice quantity equal to the difference between the Issued Quantity and the Previously Invoiced Qty. You can edit the default value. You must enter the invoice quantity in this field when "INV" (Inventory), "INT" (Intransit), and "DRP" (Dropshipment) line items are invoiced.

For issues at the SO line component level, if the invoice quantity on the main screen is positive, then the issue details subtask still loads both positive and negative issue rows, and updates invoice quantity (equal to issue quantity) against all the issue rows (positive and negative).  Similar logic applies for negative invoice quantity.  The issue detail subtask is not editable when issues are at the component level

Unit Cost

This non-editable field displays the unit cost associated with the issue transaction. Issue transactions are entered for "INV" (Inventory), "INT" (Intransit), and "DRP" (Dropshipment) line items and the unit cost for those items is determined when the issue transaction is recorded. Inventory item costs are determined by the inventory average cost at the time the item was removed from inventory and recorded on an issue transaction. The unit cost for "INT" (Intransit), and "DRP" (Dropshipment) line item types is determined by the Sales Order Cost Type table or by the Percentage of Sales Method when the issue transaction is entered in the system. Enter the unit cost of "INO" (Invoice-Only), "MSC" (Miscellaneous), and "REC" (Recurring) line items in the main screen of the invoice rather than in this subtask.

Ext Cost Amount

This non-editable field displays the system-calculated extended cost amount. Extended cost amount is the product of the Invoice Quantity and Unit Cost.