Use this screen to amortize deferred revenue that is created from sales order invoices for which the Revenue Recognition method is "Deferred Revenue." You can set up amortization codes and cycles that consist of period sequences and amortization rates over a specified number of accounting periods.  If the amortization schedule exists on one or more sales order lines, you cannot delete it.  However, you can delete or modify period sequence lines at any time in the Amortization Schedule table window, as long as the Cumulative Amortization Percentage Rate totals "100.00%."

Amortization Schedule Code, Description

Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to six alphanumeric characters for the amortization code and description. Use the Amortization Schedule table window to specify each period sequence and its amortization percentage rate. 


Select this checkbox to activate the selected amortization schedule code; unselect the checkbox to deactivate the code.


Specify the subperiod (within the amortization period) in which revenue recognition will occur for the amortization amount. This field defaults as "1" for the subperiod.

Amortization Schedule

If the amortization schedule exists on one or more sales order lines, you cannot delete it.  However, you can delete or modify period sequence lines at any time in this table window, as long as the Cumulative Amortization Percentage Rate totals "100.00%." You can also add, insert, or repeat lines by selecting the Line option from the menu bar. The table window must contain at least one row before you can save the amortization code, and it can hold an unlimited number of rows. 

If you modify the Amortization Percentage Rate for a particular code, it will apply only to the future usage of the amortization code. Existing amortization schedules for sales order lines that use the code will not be affected.

Period Sequence

When you select the New Line button on the toolbar, the system automatically increments each period sequence number by one for each additional line. You cannot change this field.

Amortization Percentage Rate

Enter the amortization percentage rate for each period sequence, which can range between "0.00%" and "100.00%."  It is not necessary for the rates to be the same for all period sequences, as long as all the rows total "100.00%."  If the last row of the schedule is "0.00%," the system will automatically remove it when you save the screen.

Cumulative Amortization Percentage Rate

This non-editable field displays the sum of all the Amortization Percentage Rate columns.