Use this subtask to establish all corporate MRP settings. This subtask will be disabled if your user ID does not have maintenance rights for the company ID when you first log into Costpoint.

Process MRP by Company

Select this checkbox to run the MRP process separately for each company.

Plan MRP by Company

Select this checkbox to plan MRP supply and demand separately by company.

Allow Net Change MRP

Select this checkbox to allow the system to execute the "Net Change" mode (see the Update Material Requirements Plan screen), provided that the MRP Regeneration Flag is "N" (No). If you do not select this checkbox, MRP must be run in "Full Regeneration" mode. Once you have selected this checkbox, you must run MRP in "Full Regeneration" mode one more time to ensure that net-change flags have been set properly.

Note: You cannot change the MRP Regeneration flag's ("MRP_REGEN_FL" in the MRP_SETTINGS_CORP table) value directly in Costpoint. You can change this value to "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) only in SQL. Please contact your System Administrator or Costpoint Technical Support for assistance before changing any data in SQL.

Plan Warehouse Separately

Select this checkbox to separate all MRP supply and demand by warehouse. If you select this option, you will need to load warehouses on all inventory requisition and Purchase Order (PO) lines. To do this, use the Assign Project Planning Warehouses to Req and PO Lines toolkit in the Miscellaneous Toolkits screen.

Plan MPS Part Requirements

Select this checkbox to plan parts that have an "MPS" Planning Type in the Planning Part Data screen in Product Definition. If you select this checkbox, the MRP process will generate action messages and planned orders as if they were flagged as MRP planned parts. Planning MPS parts in the MRP process will eliminate any outstanding MPS planned orders and action messages for that part and replace them with the appropriate MRP equivalent.

Generate MRP Log File

Select this checkbox to create an MRP log file during the MRP process for support purposes.